The works of Virgil translated into English prose, As near the Original as the different Idioms of the latin and english languages will allow. With the Latin text and order of construction on the fame page ; and critial, historical, geographical, and classical notes, in english, from the beft commentators both ancient and Modern, befide a very great number of notes entirely new. For the use of schools as well, as of private gentlemen. In two volumes /

Virgilius Maro, Publius, 70-79 a. de C

The works of Virgil translated into English prose, As near the Original as the different Idioms of the latin and english languages will allow. With the Latin text and order of construction on the fame page ; and critial, historical, geographical, and classical notes, in english, from the beft commentators both ancient and Modern, befide a very great number of notes entirely new. For the use of schools as well, as of private gentlemen. In two volumes / - A new edition - London : printed by affignment, from Joseph Davidson, for T. Longman, B. Law and Son, C. Dilly, J. Johnson, G.G. and J. Robinson, 1794 - 470 páginas, 5 hojas 21 cm


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Gobierno de Colombia

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