Índice: p. [484]-502
Incluye referencias Bibliografícas al final de cada capítulo.
Pt. I. History of Sociolinguistics -- 1. A Brief History of American Sociolinguistics 1949-1989 / Roger W. Shuy -- 2. Reflections on the Origins of Sociolinguistics in Europe / Louis-Jean Calvet -- Pt. II. Ethnography of Speaking -- 3. Models of the Interaction of Language and Social Life / Dell Hymes -- 4. Lands I Came to Sing: Negotiating Identities and Places in the Tuscan "Contrasto" / Valentina Pagliai -- Pt. III. Pragmatics -- 5. Narrative Analysis: Oral Versions of Personal Experience / William Labov and Joshua Waletzky -- 6. "Narrative Analysis" Thirty Years Later / Emanuel A. Schegloff -- 7. Narrative Structure: Some Contrasts Between Maori and Pakeha Story-telling / Janet Holmes
Texti en inglés
0631227164 (alk. paper) 0-631-22717-2 (pbk. : alk. paper)
306.44 / S678 2003