The sexuality of migration :
The sexuality of migration : border crossings and Mexican immigrant men / Lionel Cantú, Jr. ; edited by Nancy A. Naples and Salvador Vidal-Ortiz. - Nueva York : New York University Press, 2009. - xvii, 245 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - Intersections .
Incluye referencia bibliográficas (p. 199-225) e índice.
Sexuality, migration, and identity -- Border patrol: sexuality, citizenship, and U.S. immigration policy -- Border crossers: seeking asylum and maneuvering identities -- De los otros: Mexican sexual borderlands -- De ambiente: queer tourism and shifting sexualities -- A place called home: Mexican immigrant men's family experiences -- Entre hombres/between men: Latino masculinities and homosexualities -- Toward a queer political economy of sexuality: places, spaces, and shifting identities.
9780814758489 (cl : alk. paper) 0814758487 (cl : alk. paper) 9780814758496 (pb : alk. paper) 0814758495 (pb : alk. paper)
GBA906801 bnb
014884175 Uk
Homosexulaidad--Estados Unidos
Identidad de género
Migración humana--México
Estudios de género
306.76 / C233s