Rethinking the political :

Rethinking the political : gender, resistance, and the state / edited by Barbara Laslett, Johanna Brenner, and Yesim Arat. - Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1995. - vi, 489 p. ; 24 cm.

Lso ensayos en este volumen aparecieron en varias emisiones de la revista Signs : journal of women in culture and society.

Incluye índice y referencias bibliográficas.

Feminist rethink the political. -- The genders mening in revolutionaty America / Ruth H. Bloch. -- A genealogy of Dependency: tracing a keyword of the U.S. Welfare State / NAncy Fraser and Linda Gordon. -- Differences and identities: feminism and the Albuquerque Lesbian Community / Trisha Franzen. -- Gender and subjetivity; Simone de Beauvoir and contemporany feminism / Sonia Kruks. -- Gender as seriality: thinking about wome as a social collective / Iris Marion Young. -- Paths of ploretarianization: organization of production, sexual division of labor, and women's collective action / Louise A. Tilly. -- Femaleconsciusness and collective action: the case of Barcelona, 1910-1918 / Temma Kaplan. -- Palestiniam women and patriarchal relations / Samira Haj. -- Hegemonic relations and gender resistance: the new veiling as accommodating protest in Cairo / Arlene Elowe MacLeod. -- "No freedom without the women": mobilization and gender in South Africa, 1970-1992 / Gay W. Seidman. -- Feminisms in Latin America; from Bogotá to San Bernardo / Nancy Saporta Sternbach, Marysa Navarro-Aranguren, Patricia Chuchryk y Sonia E. Álvarez. -- Dovoted wives/Unruly women: invisible presence in the history of Japanese Social Protest / Anne Walthall. -- Women, the law, and culturtal relativism in France: the case of excision / Bronwyn Winter. -- Burying Otiento: the politics of gender and ethnicity in Kenya / Patricia Stamp. -- Patriarchy, capitalism, and the colonial state in Zimbabwe 7 Elizabeth Schmidt. -- The "Women Question" in Cuba: an analysis of material contraints on its solution / Muriel Nazzari. -- "The teachers, they all had their pets": concepts of gender, knowledge, and power / Wendy Luttrell.

0226073971 (alk. paper) 0226073998 (pbk.)

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