The dialect laboratory :
Includes bibliographical references and index.
The dialect laboratory: introductory remarks /Gunther De Vogelaer and Guido Seiler. -- The evolutionary-emergence model of language change /Douglas S. Biham. -- Dialect data, lexical frequency and usage-based approach /Lynn Clark. -- Dialect areas and linguistic change: pronominal paradigms in Ibero-Romance dialects from a cross-linguistic and social typology perspective /Inés Fernández-Ordóñez. -- The role of implicational universals in language change: evidence from Tunisian arabic dialects /Maik Gibson. -- On the genesis of the German recipient passive - Two competing hypotheses in the light of current dialect data /Alexandra N. Lenz. -- Paths to tone in the Tamang branch of Tibeto-Burman (Nepal) /Martine Mazaudon. -- Dialect choice in Fiji: a variationist approach to language change in the South Pacific /Karen Park. -- When diachrony meets synchrony: phonological change, phonological variation and optimal paradigms /Clàudia Pons.Moll. -- Geolinguistic data and the past tense debate: Linguistic and extralinguistic aspects of Dutch verb regularization /Rik Vosters. -- Tense and aspect systems of Western and Eastern dialects in Japan: Split paths of diachronic development /Kazuha Watanabe. -- The rise of DP-internal possessors: On the relationship of dialectal synchrony to diachrony /Helmut Weiss. -- Index.
9789027205957 (hbk. : alk. paper) 9789027273475 (ebk.)
Geografía lingüística
Lenguaje y lenguas
417 / D536