Multilingual corpora and multilingual corpus analysis /

Multilingual corpora and multilingual corpus analysis / edited by Thomas Schmidt, Kai Wörner. - Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Pub. Co., 2012 - xiii, 406 p. ; 26 cm. - Hamburg studies on multilingualism; v. 14 .

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

Section 1. Learner and attrition corpora. The leaP corpus: a multilingual corpus of spoken learner german and learner english / Ulrike Gut. -- Technological and methodological challenges in creating, annotating and sharing a learner corpus of spoken german /Hanna Hedeland and Thomas Schmidt. -- Creation and analysis of a reading comprehension exercise corpus: towards evaluating meaning in context / Niels Ott, Ramon Ziai and Detmar Meurers. -- The ALeSKo learner corpus: design -annotation - quantitative analyses /Heike Zinsmesiter and Margit Breckle. -- Corpora of spoken spanish by simultaneous and successive german-spanish bilingual and spanish monolingual children /Marta Saceda Ulloa, Conxita Lleó and Izarbe García Sánchez. -- Monolingual and bilingual phonoprosodic corpora of child german and child spanish /Conxita Lleó. -- Pragmatic corpus analysis, exemplified by turkish-german bilingual and monolingual data /Annette Herkenrath and Jochen Rehbein. -- Corpues of polish spoken in germany: collecting and analysing written and spoken data for investigating contact-induced change /Agnieska Czachór. -- The habla-corpus (german-french and german-italian) /Tanja Kupisch, Dagmar Barton, Giulia Bianchi and Ilse Stangen. -- Section 2. Language contact corpora. The Hamburg corpus of Argentinean spanish (HaCASpa) /Christoph Gabriel. -- Ad hoc contact phenomena or established of a contact variety? Evidence from corpus analysis /Karoline Kühl. -- Phonoprosodic corpus of spoken catalan (PhonCAT) /Ariadna Benet, Susana Cortés and Conxita Lleó. -- Researching the intelligibility of a (German) dialect /Magdalena Purtz. -- Annotating ambiguity: insights from a corpus-based study on syntactic change in old Swedish /Steffen Höder. Section 3. Interpreting corpora- Sharing community interpreting corpora: a pilot study /Philipp Sebastian Angermeyer, Bernd Meyer and Thomas Schmidth. -- CoSi - a corpus of consecutive and simultaneous interpreting /Juliane House, Bernd Meyer and Thomas Schmidt. -- The corpus "Interpreting in hospitals": possible applications for research and communication training /Kristin Bührig, Ortrun Kliche, Bernd Meyer and Birte Pawlack. -- Section 4. Comparable and parallel corpora. Sharing community interpreting corpora: a pilot study /Philipp Sebastian Angermeyer, Bernd Meyer and Thomas Schmidt. -- CoSi - A corpus of consecutive and simultaneous interpreting. -- The corpus "Interpreting in hospitals": possible applications for research and communication training /Kristian Bührig, Ortrun Kliche, Bernd Meyer and Birte Pawlack. -- Section 4. Comparable and parallel corpora- The GeWiss corpus: comparing spoken academic german, english and polis /Christian Fandrych, Cordula Meißner and Adriana Slavcheva. -- Korpus C4: a distributed corpus of german varietes /Henrik Dittmann, Matej Durco, Alexander Geyken, Tobias Roth and Kai Zimmer. -- Treebanks in translation studies: the CroCo dependency treebank /Oliver Culo and Silvia Hansen-Schirra. -- Section 5. Corpus tools . Multilingual phonological corpus analysis: the tools behind the PhonBank Project /Yvan Rose. -- Finding the balance between strict defaults and total openness: collecting and managing metadata for spoken language corpora with the EXMARaLDA Corpus Manager /Kai Wörner.

9789027219343 (hbk. : alk. paper) 9789027273444 (ebk.)


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