The Sound Studies Reader /

The Sound Studies Reader / Edited by Jonathan Sterne - Nueva York : Routledge, 2012 - 566 p. ; 25 cm.

Sonic Imaginations / Jonatha Sterne. -- Pte. 1ª: Hearing, listening, Deafness. -- The Auditory Dimension / Don Ihde. -- Noise: The Political Economy / Jacques Attali. -- Contradicting Media: Towar a Political Phenomenology of Listening / Jody Berland. -- The Three Listening Modes / Michel Chion. -- Cassette Sermons, Aural Modernities and the Islamic Revival in Cairo. -- The Ontology of Vibrational Force / Steve Goodman. -- Hearing Aids and the History of Electronics Miniaturización / Mara Mills. -- Following You: Disciplines of Listening in Social Media / Kate Crawford. -- Pte. 2ª: Space, Sites, Scapes. -- The Sonudscape / R. Murray Schafer. -- The Walkman Effect / Shuhei Hosokawa. -- Sound, Modernity and History / Emily Thompson. -- No Corner for the Devil to Hide / Richard Cullen Rath. -- The Soundproof Study /Jonh Picker. -- Listening to Machines: Industrial Noise, Hearing Loss and the Cultural Meaning of Sound / Karin Bijsterveld. -- An Anthropologist Underwater: Immersive Soundscapes, Submarine Cyborgs and Transductive Ethnography / Stefan Helmreich. -- Ancient Acoustic Spaces / Barry Blesser and Linda-Ruth Salter. -- The Audio-Visual Ipod / Mchael Bull. -- Pte 3ª: Transduce and Record. -- The Sound of Music in the Era of Its Electronic Reproducibility / John Mowitt. -- Four and a Half Film Fallacies / Rick Altman. -- Gramophone / Friederich Kittler. -- Fidelity versus Intelligibilitty / James Lastra. -- Shaping the Synthesizer / Trevor Pinch and Frank Trocco. -- The Recording Studio as Fetish / Louise Meintjes. -- The Phonogrpah's New Media Publics / Lisa Gitelman. -- Deadness: Technologies of the Intermundane / Jason Stanyek and Benjamin Piekut. -- Pte. 4ª: Collectivities and Couplings. -- Thsi is the Voice of Algebra /Frantz Fanon. -- Gender and Early Telephone Culture /Michèle Martin. -- Radio and the Imagined Community / Michelle Hilmes. -- The Telephonic Uncanny and the Problem of Communication / John Durham Peters. -- Cellular Disability: Consumption Desing and Acces / Gerard Goggin. -- Social transculturation, Epistemologies of Purification and the Aural Public Sphere in Latin America / Ana María Ochoa Gautier. -- Pte. 5ª: The Sonic Arts: Aesthetics, Experience, Interpretation. -- Reading the Sonoric Landscape / Richars Leppert. -- Music Research and Psychoacoustics / Gerogina Born. -- Noises of the Avant-Garde / Douglas Kahn. -- Operating System for the Redesing of Sonic Reality / Kodwo Eshun. -- Starship Africa / Michael Veal. -- Auditory Relations / Brandon LaBelle. -- Towar a Feminist Historiography of Electronic of Electronic Music / Tara Rodgers. -- Pte. 6ª: Voices. -- THe Voice that Keeps Silence / Jacques Derrida. -- The Grain of the Voice / Roland Barthes. -- Desiring Machines in Balck Popular Music / Alexander Weheliye. -- Multiple Voices / Adriana Cavarero. -- Laughing Machines / Jacob Smith. -- The Linguistic of the Voice / Mladen Dolar.


Reproducción del sonido--Historia
Reproducción del soido--Aspectos sociales
Reproducción del sonido--Aspectos filosóficos

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