Theories in second language acquisition :
Introduction: The Nature of Theories / Bill Van Patten and Jessica Williams. -- Early Theories in SLA. -- Bill VanPatten and Jessica Williams. -- Linguistic Theory, Universal Grammar, and Second Language Acquisition / Lydia White. -- One Functional Approach to SLA: The Concept-Oriented Approach / Kathleen Bardovi-Harling. -- Usage-Based Approaches to SLA / Nick C. Ellis and Stefanie Wulff. -- Skill Acquisition Theory / Robert DeKeyser. -- Input Processing in Adult SLA / Bill VanPatten. -- The Declarative/Procedural Model: A Neurobiologically Motivated Theory of First and Second Language / Michael T. Ullman. -- Processability Theory / Manfred Pienemann and Anke Lenzing. -- Input, Interaction, and Output in Second Language Development / Susan M. Gass and Alison Mackey. -- Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Development / James P. Lantolf, Steven L. Thorne, and Matthew E. Poehner. -- Complexity Theory / Diane Larsen-Freeman. -- Second Language Learning Explained? SLA across 10 Contemporary Theories / Lourdes Ortega.
Adquisición de segundo lenguaje
Lenguaje y lenguas--Enseñanza
418.0071 / T396v