Corrective feedback in second language teaching and learning :
Pte. 1ª: oral corrective feedback. -- Oral corrective feedback in L2 classrooms: what we know so far / Rod Ellis. -- Oral peer corrective feedback: multiple theoretical perspectives / Masatoshi Sato. -- The timing or oral corrective feedback / Paul Gregory Quinn and Tatsuya Nakata. -- Pte. 2ª: Computer-medicated corrective feedback. -- Computer-assisted corrective feedback and language learning / Trude Heift and Volker Hegelheimer. -- Peer corrective feedback in computer-mediated collaborative writing / Neomy Storch. -- Interactional feedback in synchronous computer.mediated communication: a review of the state of the art / Nicole Ziegler and Alison Mackey. -- Pte. 3ª: Written corrective feedback. -- Language-focused peer corrective feedback in second language writting / Magda Tigchelaar and Charlene Polio. -- Negotiated oral feedback in response to written errors / Hossein Nassaji. -- Why some L2 learners fail to benefit from written corrective feedback / John Bitchener. -- Pte. 4ª. Student and teacher issues in corrective feedback. -- Student and teacher beliefs and attitudes about oral corrective feedback / Shaofeng Li. -- Non-verbal feedback / Kimi Nakatsukasa and Shawn Lowen. -- Conclusion, reflections, and final remarks / Hossein Nassaji and Eva Kartchava.
Lenguaje y lenguas--Enseñanza
Adquisición de segundo lenguaje--Enseñanza
418.0071 / C824h