Muñoz, Pilar,

A spanish learning grammar / Pilar Muñoz, Mike Thacker - Londres : Nueva York : Routledge, 2012 - xiv, 369b páginas ; 25 cm.

Incluye bibliografía e índice.

Pronuncaition, accents, spelling and punctuation. -- Articles. -- Nouns. -- Adjectives. -- Comparison. -- Numerals. -- Personal pronouns. -- Demostrative adjectives and pronouns. -- Pessessive adjectives and pronouns. -- Relative clauses. -- Interrogatives and exclamations. -- Indefinites. -- Verbs. -- present tense. -- Future tense. -- Conditional tense. -- Perfect tense. -- Preterite tense. -- Imperfect tense. -- The preterite and imperfect tenses contrasted. -- Compound tenses. -- The subjunctive. -- Continous forms of the verb. -- If-clauses. -- The imperative. -- Spelling changes in verbs. -- Modal verbs. -- Gustar-type and impersonal verbs. -- Ser and Estar. -- Active and passive. -- Pronominal verbs. -- The infnitive. -- The past participle. -- The gerund. -- Negation. -- Adverbs. -- Prepositions. -- Conjunctions. -- Diminutives and argumentatives. -- Word order.


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