Handbook of research in second language teaching and learning /
Incluye bibliografía e índice.
Pte. 1ª: Social contexts, language policy, and language learners. -- Teh sociology of language teaching and learning / John Edwards. -- Language policy / Planning and language leraning / Robert B. Kaplan. -- Engllish as global language / Sandra Lee McKay. -- English for academic for academic purposes / Carmen Pérez-Llantada and John M. Swales. -- English for specific purpses / BRIANpALTRIDGE AND Sue Starfield. -- Teaching english to young learners / David Nunan. -- Academic langauge in K-12 contexts / Maria Estela Brisk and Qianquian Zhang-Wu. -- Pte. 2ª: Curriculum and instruction. -- SLA research and foreing-language teaching / Patsy M. Lightbown. -- Curriculum approaches in language teaching / Jack C. Richards. -- Application of research to matrials desing / Penny Ur. -- Teaching language skills from a discourse perspective / Elite Olshtain and Marianne Celce-Murcia. -- Content-based language teaching and academic langauge development / Marguerite Ann Snow. -- Research in corpora in language teaching and learning / Elaine Vaughan and Michael McCarthy. -- Technoly in language teaching and learning / Greg Kessler. -- Pte. 3ª: Listening and speaking. -- L2 listening / Steven Brown. -- Cognition, metacognition, and L2 listening / Christine C. M. Goh. -- learning-to-speak and speaking-to-learn: five categories and learning opportunity / Johnatan Newton. -- research and the teaching of speaking in the second language classroom / Anne Burns. -- Pronunciation / Donna M. Brinton. -- Pte. 4ª: Literacies, reading, and writing. -- Second language literacy: kindergarten to grade 12 / Lee Gunderson and Reginal Arthur D'Silva. -- Digital literacies / Rodney H. Jones. -- L2 reading comprenhension and development / William Grabe. -- Reading and technology: what's new and what's old about reading in hyperlinked multimedia evironments? / Thomas Cobb. -- Research on L2 writing: contexts, writers, and pedagogy / Dana R. Ferris. -- Pte. 5ª: Vocabulary and grammar. -- The three "I"s of second language vocabulary learning: input, instruction, involvement / Batia Laufier. -- Measuring vocabulary size / Paul Nation and Laurence Anthony. -- Prioritazing grammar to teach or not to teach: a research perspective / Eli Hinkel. -- Systemic functional grammar in the k-12 classroom / Mary J. Schleppegrel. -- Pte. 6: International communication and pragmatics. -- Teaching and learning intercultural communication: research in six approaches / Lixian Jin and Martin Cortazzi. -- Research in inworld englishes and international communication / Andy Kirkpatrick. -- Teaching and learning second language pragmatics / Andrew D. Cohen. -- Pte. 6ª: Assessment and testing. -- Social dimensions of assessment and testing / Bernard Spolsky. -- The practice of language assessment / Glenn Fulcher. -- Large-scale language assessment: empirical studies / Antony John Kunnan. -- Fifteen ways to improve classroom assessment / James Dean Brown and Jonathan Trace.
Lenguaje y lenguas--Enseñanza
Lenguaje y lenguas--Investigaciones
Adquisición de segundo lenguaje--Enseñanza
Adquisición de segundo lenguaje--Investigaciones
Inglés--Enseñanza--Estudiantes extranjeros
R 418.0071 / H236h