An introducton to sociolingüistics /

Holmes, Janet,

An introducton to sociolingüistics / Janet Holmes - Cuarta edición - Nueva York : Londres : Routledge, 2013 - xix, 489 páginas ; 25 cm. - Learning about language .

Incluye bibliografía e índice.

What do sociolinguists study?. -- What is socioliguist?. -- Why do we say the same thing in different ways?. -- What are the different ways we say things?. -- Social factors, dimensions and explanations. -- Pte. 1ª: Multilingual speech communities. -- Language choice in multilingual communities. -- Choosing your variety or code. -- Diglossia. -- Code-switching or code-mixing. -- Language maintenance and shift. -- Language shift in different communities. -- Language death and language loss. -- Factors contributing to language shift. -- How can a minority language be maintained?. -- Language revival. -- Linguistic varieties and multilingual nations. -- Vernacular languages. -- Standard languages. -- Lingua francas. -- Pidgins and creoles. -- National languages and language planning. -- National and official languages. -- Planning for a national official language. -- Developing a standard variety in Norway. -- The linguist's role in language planning. -- Pte. 2ª: Language variation: focus on users. -- Regional and social dialects. -- Regional variations. -- Social variation. -- Social dialects. -- Gender and age. -- Gender-exclusive speech differences: highly structured communities. -- Gender-preferential speech features: social dialect research. -- Gender and social class. -- Explanations of wome's linguistic behaviour. -- Age-graded features of speech. -- Age and social dialect data. -- Age grading and language change. -- Ethnicity and social networks. -- Etnicity. -- Social networks. -- Language change. -- Variation and change. -- How do changes spread?. -- How do we study language change?. -- Reasons for language change. -- Pte. 3ª: Language variation: focus on uses. -- Style, context and register. -- Addressee as an influence on style. -- Accommodation theory. -- Context, style and class. -- Style in non-Western societies. -- Register. -- Speech functions, politeness and cross-cultural communication. -- Teh functions of speech. -- Politeness and address forms. -- Linguistic politeness in different cultures. -- Gender, poliness and stereotypes. -- Women's language and confidence. -- Interaction. -- Gossip. -- The linguistic construction of sexuality. -- Sexist language. -- Language, cognition and culture. -- Language and perception. -- Whorf. -- Linguistic categories and culture. -- Discourse patterns and culture. -- Language, social class and cognition. -- Analysing discourse. -- Pragmatics and politeness theory. -- Ethnography of speaking. -- Interactional sociolinguistics. -- Conversation Analysis (CA). -- Attitudes and applications. -- Attitudes to language. -- Sociolinguistics and education. -- Sociolinguistics and forensic linguistics. -- Conclusion. -- Sociolinguistic competence. -- Dimensions of sociolnguistic analysis. -- Sociolinguistic universals.


Lenguaje y cultura
Modificaciones lingüísticas
Lenguaje y lenguas--Diferencias sexuales

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