Online intercultural exchange policy, pedagogy, practice
Pte. 1ª: An overview of online interucltural exchange. -- Introduction to onlilne intercultural exchange and this volume / Ti Lewis and Robert O'Dowd. -- Online intercultural exchange and foreing language learning: a systematic review / Tim Lewis and Robert O'Dowd. -- Pte. 2ª: Integrating online interculturale xchange in university education. -- internationalisation and the role of online intercultural exchange / Hans de Wit. -- Online intercultural exchange in Europe: state of the art and implication for the future / Sarah Guth. -- Internationalisation, the Bologna process and online intercultural exchange: seeking common ground / Melanie H. Wilson. -- An overview of online intercultural exchange in the Australian context / Vincenza Tudini. -- Pte. 3ª: The pedagogy of online intercultural exchange. -- Virtual group formation and the process of task design in online intercultural exchanges / Andreas Müller-Hartmann and Malgorzata Kurek. -- Facilitated dialogue in online intercultural exchange / Francesca Helm. -- Conbining classroom-based learning and online intercultural exchange in bolended learning courses / Elke Nissen. -- 'Please remove your avatar from my personal space': competences og the telecollaboratively efficient person / Melinda Dooly. -- A new approach to assessing online intercultural exchange: soft certification of participant engagement / Mirjam Hauck and Teresa Mackinnon. -- Pte. 4ª: Online intercultural exchange in practice. -- The clavier network / Teresa Mackinnon. -- The teletandem network / Paola Leone and João Telles. -- The Cultura exchange programme / Gilberte Furstenberg. -- The Cultnet intercultural citizenship project / Michael Byram. -- The collaborative online international learning network: online intercultural exchange in the State University of New York Network of Universities / Jon Rubin. -- Pte. 5ª: The future on online intercultural exchange. -- Learning from the past and looking to the future of online intercultural exchange / Robert O'Dowd.
Lenguaje y lengua--Enseñanza con ayuda de computadores
Comunicación intercultural
Educación intercultural
Adquisición de segundo lenguaje
418.0071 / ON58