Hall, Joan kelly,

Teaching and researching language and culture / Joan Kelly Hall - Segunda edición - Nueva York : Routledge, 2012 - x, 264 páginas ; 23 cm. - Applied Llnguistics in Acton Series .

Incluye referencias bibliográficas. Incluye índice de autores. Incluye índice analítico.

Definining language and culture. -- A sociocultural perspective in language and culture. -- Introduction. -- Languaulture as socioge as sociocultural resource. -- Culture as sociocultural practice. -- Linguistic relativity. -- A socially contituted linguistics. -- Systemic functional linguistics. -- Language and identity. -- Introduction. -- Social identity. -- Agency, identity and language use. -- Research on language use and identity. -- Language and culture learning. -- Introduction. -- Language socialisation. -- Learning how to mean. -- Social activity and language development. -- Context of learning. -- Teaching language and culture. -- The sociocultural worlds of learners. -- Introduction. -- Language socialisation practices: home and school connections. -- Language variation. -- Redesigning curriculum and instruction. -- Language and culture of the classroom. -- Introduction. -- Schools and classrooms as sociocultural communities. -- The role of classroom discourse. -- Redesigning curriculum and instruction. -- Language and culture as curricular content. -- Introduction. -- Defining knowledge and culture. -- Redesigning curriculum and instruction. -- Researching language and culture. -- The research enterprise. -- Introduction. -- Foudations of research on language and culture from a sociocultural perspective. -- Methodological considerations. -- Negotiation relationships. -- Research ethics. -- Approaches to research on language and culture. -- Introduction. -- Ethnography of communication. -- Interactional sociolinguistics. -- Conversation analysis. -- Discourse analysis. -- Systemic functional linguistics. -- Critical discourse analysis. -- Linguistic ethnography. -- Microgenetic approach. -- Guidelines for doing research. -- Introduction. -- The research cycle. -- Context of research. -- Introduction. -- Context of research. -- Resources. -- Resources for teaching and researching language and culture. -- Introduction. -- Journals. -- Professional organisations. -- Web-based resources.


Lenguaje y cultura

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Sede Yerbabuena:
Carretera Central Norte. Kilómetro 9 más 300 metros, Chía (Cundinamarca)

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Delegación Madrid, España:
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