Maleuvre, Didier,

Museum memories : history, technology, art / Didier Meleuvre - Stanford, California : Stanford University Press, 1999 - 325 páginas ; 21 cm. - Cultural memory in present .

Incluye bibliografía e índice.

Introduction. -- Museum times. -- History lab. -- Pointing fingers. -- Authenticity. -- Hegel's guide to the museum. -- Art of misplacement. -- The art of police. -- The origin of museums. -- The avant-garde. -- Attacks. -- Monumental time. -- The caesura of art. -- The caesura of image. -- Proust's museum. -- The experience of art. -- Art in ruins. -- Framework. -- Teh decline of subject. -- Estheticizing the burgeois. -- THe identity in question. -- Bringing the museum home: the domestic interior in the nineteenth.century. -- Dwelling in the nineteenth century. -- How we dwell. -- Writing the interior. --The dollhouse. -- Pointillism. -- Nature morte. -- Camera obscura. -- Interior and interiority. -- Teh interior and its doubles. -- Eden idoors. -- Clues. -- Losing touch. -- Material life. -- Balzacana. -- Dicorce story. -- Cornucopia. -- A world of objects. -- THe old and the new. -- "On the quuiai Voltaire, in the nineteenth century". -- The museum-goer. -- Taxidermy, art, and the illusion of nature. -- Subjective fun begets objective distress. -- Trascendentalism and materialism. -- The instrumental subject. -- Evil and esthetic life. -- Relism and objective alienation. -- Broken. -- The toopsy-turvy world. -- Thoughtful matter. -- Grandville's museum. -- The skin as esthetic modernity. -- Christ's exemplum. -- The death's head. -- Still life. -- "The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare". -- Dilectical history. -- Ruins. -- Judgment day.

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069.09 / M247m

Sector Cultura

Gobierno de Colombia

Instituto Caro y Cuervo

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Sede Casa Cuervo Urisarri:
Calle 10 # 4-69, Bogotá, Colombia

Sede Yerbabuena:
Carretera Central Norte. Kilómetro 9 más 300 metros, Chía (Cundinamarca)

Delegación Madrid, España:

C/Alcalá, 49 Madrid

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lunes a viernes de 8:00 a. m. a 5:00 p. m.

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Sede Yerbabuena:
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Delegación Madrid, España:
C/Alcalá, 49 Madrid