The Routledge handbook of metaphor and language /
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Introduction: metaphor and language. -- Primera parte: Theoretical approaches to metaphor and langauge. -- Coceptual metaphor theory / Zoltán Kövecses. -- Figurativeness, conceptual metaphor, and blneding / Barbara Dancygier. -- Relvance theory and metahpor / Robyn Carston. -- Metaphor, language, and dynamical systems / Raymond W. Gibbs, Jr. -- Segunda parte: Methodological approaches to metaphor and language. -- identifying metaphors in language / Gerard Steen. -- Finding systematic metaphors / Robert Maslen. -- From linguistic to cenceptual metaphors / Alice Deigman. -- Corpus-linguistic approaches to metaphor analysis / Heli Tissari. -- Analysing metaphor in gesture: a set of metaphor identification guidelines for gesture (MIG-G) / Alan Cienki. -- Analysing metaphors in multimodal texts / Elisabeth El Refaie. -- Tercera parte: Formal variation of metaphor in language. -- Metaphor and parts-of.speech / Tina Krennmayr. -- Textual patterning of metaphor / Aletta G. Dorst. -- Genre and metaphor: use and variation across usage events / Rosario Caballero. -- Creative metaphor in literature / Marco Caracciolo. -- Conventional and novel metaphors in language / Gill Philip. -- Metaphor and diachronic variation / Wendy Anderson. -- Metaphor in translation / Christina Schäffner. -- Metaphor in sign language / Michiko Kaneko and Rachel Sutton-Spence. -- Cuarta parte: Functional variation of metaphor language. -- Metaphor in use in educational context: functions and variations / Jeanette Littlemore. -- Metaphor and the representation of scientific issues: climate change in print and online media / Neyla Koteyko and Dmitrinka Atanasova. -- Metaphor and presuasion in commercial advertising / Laura Hidalgo-Downing and Blanca Kraljevic-Mujic. -- Metaphor and story-telling / L. David Ritchie. -- Metaphor, impoliteness, and offence in online communication / Zsófia Demjén and Claire Hardaker. -- Quinta parte: Applications and interventions: using metaphor for problem solving. -- Using metahpor in healthcare: mental health / Dennis Tay. -- Using metaphor in healthcare: physical health Zsófia Demjén and Elena Semino. -- Using metaphor as a management tool / Linga Greve. -- Using metaphor in the teaching of second/foreing languages / Fiona MacArthur. -- Using metaphor for peace-building, empathy, and reconciliation / Lynne Cameron. -- Using metaphor to influence public perceptions and policy: how metaphors can save the world / Joseph Grady. -- Sexta parte: Language, metaphor and cognitive development. -- Metaphor processing / Herbert L. Colston and Raymond W. Gibbs, Jr. -- Psycholinguistic approaches to metaphor acquisition and use / Albert N. Katz. -- Metaphor acquisiton and use in individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders / Gabriella Rundblad. -- Metaphor comprenhension and production in a second language / Susan Nacey. -- Epilogue: metaphors for language and communication / Philip Eubanks.
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