Grammar at school :
Foreword / Debra Myhill. -- Introduction / Teresa Ribas, Xavier Fontich and Oriol Guasch. -- Metalinguistic activity in language learning / Anna Camps. -- Working on grammar at school / Marta Milian. -- Evaluate analysis of the instructional apporach to studying syntactic coordination in ten secondary school textbooks / Ricardo Coronas. -- Verb tenses in primary school textbooks / Mireia Torralba. -- The use of metalinguistic terms in writing activities in early primary school classroms / Rosa Gil and Montserrat Bigas. -- The notion of verb mood in students in compulsory secondary education / Carme Durán Rivas. -- "When does that happen?" Recognition of the retrospective usage of the present tense among primary school students / Mariona Casas. -- Reflexive knowledge of the past tenses in Spanish / Carmen Rodríguez Gonzalo. -- Grammar and language reflection at school: Checking out the whats and the hows of grammar instruction / Xavier Fontich.
Gramática comparada y general--Enseñanza
Lenguaje y lenguas--Enseñanza
465.07 / G745r