The book history reader /
Incluye bibliografía e índice.
Introduction / David Finkelstein and Alistair McCleery. -- Primera parte: What is book history?. -- Editor's introduction. -- What is the hsitory of books? /Robert Darnton. -- Biblography, pure bibliography, and literary studies / Fredson Bowers. -- The book as an expresive form / D. F. McKenzie. -- A new model for the study of the book / Thomas R. Adams and Nicholas Barker. -- THe socialization of texts / Jerome McGann. -- Early modern print culture: assesing the models / Harold Love. -- Labourers and Voyagers: frmom the text to the reader / Roger Chartier. -- The field of cultural production / Pierre Bourdieu. -- Segunda parte: The impact of print. -- Editor's introduction. -- Text, script, and media: new observations on scribal activity in the ancient near east / Scott B. Noegel. -- Orality and literacy: writing restructures consciousness / Walter Ong. -- Manuscripts / Marcel Thomas. -- The practical impact of writing / Roger Chartier. -- Teh body fo the book: the media transition from manuscript to print / Jan-Dirk Müller. -- The indian ecumene: an indigenous public sphere / C. A. Bayly. -- The sociology of a text: orality, literacy and print in early New Zealand. -- Defining the initial shift: some features of print culture / Elizabeth Eisenstein. -- The book of anture and the nature of the book / Adrian Johns. -- Tercera parte: Texts and authors. -- Editor's introducton. -- The death of the author / Roland Barthes. -- What is an author? / Michel Foucault. -- Oral religio-poltiical activism and textual production / Paula McDowell. -- Literary property determined / Mark Rose. -- Authors, publishers and the making of literary culture / John Brewer. -- Cultures of the commonplace / Leah Price. -- Masterpiece theater: the politics of Hawthorne's literary reputation / Jane Tompkins. -- The victorian novelist: who were they? / John Sutherland. -- When is a book not a book? / Robert L. Patten. -- The magazine market / James L. W. West III. -- Toward international cooperation: the literary editing of H. D. and Bryher / Jayne Marek. -- Cuarta parte: Texts and readers. -- Editor's introduction. -- Interaction between text and reader / Wolfgang Iser. -- Literacy instruction and gender in colonial New England / E. Jennider Monaghan. -- Reading practices / Kate Flint. -- Reading English common reader: a preface to a history of audiences / Jonathan Rose. -- The English common reader. from caxton to the eighteenth century / Richard Altick. -- Intepreting the variorum / Stanley Fish. -- Forgotten readers: recovering the lost hsitory of african american literary societies / Elizabeth McHenry. -- A feeling for books: the book-of-the-month club, literary taste and middle-class desire / Janice Radway. -- Quinta parte: The future of the book. -- Editor's introduction. -- The digital subject and culturañ theory / Mark Poster. -- Material matters: the past and futurology og the book / Paul Duguid. -- Farewell to the information age / Geoffrey Nunberg.
Libros--Aspectos sociales--Historia
Libros y lectura--Aspectos sociales--Historia
002 / B724