The Cambridge companion to the history of book /

The Cambridge companion to the history of book / Edited by Leslie Howsam - Cambridge, Reino Unido : Cambridge University Press, 2015 - xii, 284 páginas ; 23 cm. - Cambridge companion to literature .

Incluye índice.

The study of book history / Leslie Howsam. -- Primera parte: Book cultures, local, national and global. -- Books in the library / Karen Attar. -- Books in the nation / Trish Loughran. -- Books in global perspectives / Sydney Shep. -- Segunda parte: The material book and the mutable text. -- Materials and meanings / Peter Stoicheff. -- Handwriting and the book / Margaret J. M. Ezell. -- The coming of print to Europe / Adrian Johns. -- The authority and subversiveness of print in early-modern Europe / Cyndia Susan Clegg. -- The industrial revolution of the book / James Raven. -- The book in the long twentieth century / Alistair Mccleery. -- The digital book / Jon Bath and Scott Schofield. -- Tercera parte: Methods, sources and approaches to the history of the book. -- Book history from descriptive bibliographies / Michael F. Suarez, S.J. -- Book history from the archival record / Katherine Bode and Roger Osborne. -- Book history in the reading experience / Mary Hammond. -- Book history in the classroom / Leslie Howsam. -- Glossary of technical terms used by bibliographers and historians of the book. -- Guide to further reading.


Libros y lectura--Historia
Autores y editores--Historia

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