Benedicto Santo, abad de Monte Cassino

The rule of St. Benedict translated, with introduction and notes by Anthony C. Meisel and M.L. del Mastro - New York London Image Books Doubleday 1975 - 117 páginas 18 cm. - Image book original .

Incluye referencias bibliográficas (páginas 116-117)

The different kinds of monks and their customs. -- The qualities of the abbot. -- The counsel of the brothers. -- The instruments of good works. – Obedience. – Silence. – Humility. -- The divine office at night (Matins). -- How many psalms are to be said in the night office. -- How the night office is to be said in summer. -- How Matins is to be celebrated on Sundays. – Lauds. -- celebration. -- Lauds. -- ordinary days. -- Night office on saints' days. -- The seasons during which Alleluia is chanted. -- The day office. -- The number of psalms said in the day office. -- Psalms. -- order to be chanted. -- How the office should be performed. -- Reverence at prayer. -- The deans of the monastery. -- How the monks are to sleep. -- Excommunication for faults. – The measure of excommunication. -- Grave faults. -- Those who meet with the excommunicated without leave of the abbot. -- The abbot's care of the excommunicated. -- Those who do not change their ways despite much correction. -- Readmittance of departed brothers. -- Correction of youths. -- The cellarer. -- Property and utensils. -- Private ownership by monks. -- The apportionment of necessities. -- Weekly kitchen service. -- Sick brothers. -- Old men and children. -- The weekly reader. -- Food apportionment. -- Drink apportionment. -- Dining hours. -- No talk after Compline. -- Late-comers to the Divine Office and meals. -- How the excommunicated are to make satisfaction. -- Mistakes in the oratory. -- Offense in other matters. -- Sounding the Hours of the Divine Office. -- Daily manual labor. -- Observance of Lent. -- Brothers who work at a distance from the oratory or are traveling. --
Brothers who do not go far. -- The oratory of the monastery. -- The reception of guests. -- The receipt of letters and presents. -- Clothing and shoes. -- The abbot's table. -- Artisans and craftsmen. -- The admission of new brothers. -- Sons of noblemen or of poor men offered to God's service. -- Priests who would live in the monastery. -- Reception of pilgrim monks. -- Priests of the monastery. -- Rank in the monastery. -- Election of the abbot. -- Provost of the monastery. -- The porter of the monastery. -- Brothers sent on a journey. -- When a brother is asked to do the impossible. -- No one shall presume to defend another in the monastery. -- No one is to presume to strike another. -- The brothers ought to obey one another. -- The good zeal monks should possess. -- All perfection is not herein attained.

0385009488 9780385009485

Meisel, Anthony C. 1943-

255.1 / B463

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