Colonial lives

Colonial lives documents on Latin American history, 1550-1850 edited by Richard Boyer, Geoffrey Spurling - New York Oxford University Press 2000 - xviii, 350 páginas ilustraciones, mapas 24 cm.

Incluye referencias bibliográficas (páginas 322-334), índice y glosario

The Indians of Tejupan Want to Raise Silk on Their Own (Oaxaca, Mexico, 1543), Woodrow Borah2. Land Concentration and Environmental Degradation: Town Council Records on Deforestation in Uyumbicho (Quito, 1553-96), Karen Viera Powers3. The Telling of Tales: A Spanish Priest and His Maya Prisoners (Yucatan, 1573-90), Matthew Restall4. Directorio Para Confesores: "Lords Who Hold Temporal Government Over Vassals" (Mexico, 1585), John F. Schwaller5. "In the Service of God, I Order These Temples of Idolatrous Worship Razed to the Ground": Extirpation of Idolatry and the Search for the Santuario Grande of Iguaque (Colombia 1595), J. Michael Francis6. Affairs of the Courtroom: Fernando de Medina Confesses to Killing His Wife (Charcas, 1595), Thomas A. Abercrombie7. The Spiritual and Physical Ecstasies of a Sixteenth-Century Beata: Marina de San Miguel Confesses Before the Mexican Inquisition (Mexico, 1598), Jaqueline Holler8. Spaniards in the Nahua Countryside: Dr. Diego de Le?n Plaza and Nahuatl Land Sale Documents (Mexico, Early Seventeenth Century), Rebecca Horn9. Under Investigation for the Abominable Sin: Damian de Morales Stands Accused of Attempting to Seduce Anton de Tierra de Congo (Charcas, 1611), Geoffrey Spurling10. "Wife of My Soul and Heart, and All My Solace": Annulment Suit Between Diego Andres de Arenas Ysabel Allay Suyo (Huanuco, Peru, 1618), Nancy van Deusen11. Favored Women, Subjected Indians: The Settlement of Pero d'Araujo's Estate in Sao Paulo (1637-40), Muriel Nazzari12. Catarina Maria Complains that Juan Teioa Forcibly Deflowered Her (Mexico, 1693), Richard Boyer13. On Her Deathbed, Maria de la Candelaria Accuses Michaela de Molina of Casting Spells (Guatemala, 1696), Martha Few14. Dance of the People: The Chuchumbe (Mexico, 1766), Sergio Rivera Ayala15. Drinking, Gambling, and Death on a Colonial Hacienda (Quito, 1768), Ann Twinam16. Letters of Insurrection: The Rebellion of the Communities (Charcas, 1781), S. Elizabeth Penry17. Scandal at the Church: Jose de Alfaro Accuses Dona Theresa Bravo and Others of Insulting and Beating His Castiza Wife, Josefa Cadena (Mexico, 1782), Sonya Lipsett-Rivera18. Don Manuel Valdivieso y Carrion Protests the Marriage of his Daughter with Don Teodoro Jaramillo, a Person of Lower Social Standing (Quito, 1784-85), Christian Bridges19. Permission to Marry: Eighteenth-Century Matrimonial Files (Montevideo, 1796), Susan Migden Socolow20. Felipe Edimboro Sues for Manumission, Don Francisco Xavier Sanchez Contests (Florida, 1794), Jane Landers21. "The Most Vile Atrocities": Accusations of Slander Against Maria Cofignie, Parda Libre (Louisiana, 1795), Kimberely S. Hanger22. Urban Slavery in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil: The Wills of Captain Joaquim Felix de Santana, Colonel Manoel Pereira da Silva, and Rose Maria de Conceicao (1809, 1814, 1843), Hendrik Kraay23. Meltdown in New Spain: Viceroy Apodaca's Account of the State of Rebellion (Mexico, 1816), Christon I. Archer and Alex Taylor del Cid

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América Latina--Historia--1550-1850--Fuentes
España--Colonias--América Latina--Fuentes

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