Studies in syntactic typology
Preface. -- Language typology and linguistic explanation / Michael Hammond, Edith A. Moravcsik and Jessica Wirth. -- I. Agreement. -- Agreement and the distribution of anaphora / Karin L. Fisher. -- Finiteness and opacity: Evidence from the Balkans / Catherine Rudin. -- Conditions for verb-coded coordinations / Linda Schwartz. -- II. Word order. -- Investigating universals of sentence complexity / Yukikoko Abe, Kazumi Hatasa and J Ron Cowan. -- Universals of negative position / Matthew S. Dryer. -- Accentuation typology, word order and theme-rheme structure / Jeffrey Harlig and Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig. -- Preverbal focusing and type XXIII languages / Alan Hyun-Oak Kim. -- III. Syntactic and pragmatic functions. -- Datives and allatives / Edward Blansitt. -- A typology of subjects / Jan Terje Faarlund. -- Universals of topic-comment structure / Jeanette K. Gundel. -- IV. Explaining universals. -- The pragmatics of word order: Predictability, importance and attention / T. Givón. -- On the function of marked and unmarked terms / Jeanette K. Gundel, Kathleen Houlihan and Gerald A. Sanders. -- Incorporation, parallelism, and focus / John Haiman. -- On explaining some right-left asymmetries in syntactic and morphological universals / John A. Hawkins. -- The covariance of culture and grammar /
Revere D. Perkins.
9027228914 1556190204
Tipología (Lingüística)
Gramática comparada y general
Universales (Lingüística)
415 / ST933