Vowel patterns in language

Walker, Rachel

Vowel patterns in language Rachel Walker - Cambridge, Reino Unido Cambridge University Press 2011 - x, 356 páginas 23 cm - Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 130 .

Incluye referencias bibliográficas. Incluye índice analítico. Incluye índice de lenguas.

Introduction. -- Preliminaries: functional grounding. -- Introduction. -- Stressed and unstressed syllables. -- Initial syllables. -- Final syllables. -- Morphological roots and stems. -- Specific vowel qualities. -- Generalized licensing. -- Introduction. -- The concept of licensing. -- Prominence-based licensing configurations. -- Fromalism. -- Achieving the licensing configurations. -- Morpheme-specific licensing. -- Summary. -- Typological predictions. -- Introduction. -- Disyllables. -- Trisyllables. -- Non-local effects. -- Interactions with other faithfulness constraints. -- Summary. -- Appendix. -- Indirect licensing. -- Introduction. -- Control by the licensing position. -- Assimilation within the licensing position. -- Sources of trigger contro. -- Alternatives. -- Conclusion. -- Identity licensing. -- Introduction. -- Preservation of vowel properties in the licensing position. -- Preservation of vowel properties in the licensing position and non-licensing position. -- Assimilation at a distance in the licensing position. -- Non-local effects in review. -- Alternatives. -- Conclusion. -- Direct licensing. -- Introduction. -- Effacement or deficiency of vowel properties na non-licensing positions. -- Preservation vowel properties oroginating in licensing and non-licensing positions. -- Alternating vowel properties in the licensing position. -- Direct licensingphenomena in review. -- Alternatives. -- Conclusion. -- Maximal licensing. -- Introduction. -- Maximal licensing harmony from a strong position. -- Case study: Servigliano. -- Conclusion. -- Conclusion and final issues. -- Licensing ND VOWEL PATTERNS. -- Vowel patterns and prominence in the future. -- Final remarks


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Lenguaje y lenguas--Fonología

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