Evans, Vyvyan

Cognitive linguistics a complete guide Vyvyan Evans - 2nd edition - Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press 2019 - xxxvi, 858 páginas ilustraciones 24 cm.

Incluye referencias bibliográficas (páginas [815]-847) e índice

PART I: THE COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS ENTERPRISE: 1. What do cognitive linguists study? -- 2. Key commitments and research methods -- 3. Foundations of experience I: Space -- 4. Foundations of experience II: Time -- 5. Language in use I: Knowledge of language -- 6. Language in use II: Language change and Acquisition -- 7. Key topics in language science: Formal versus cognitive linguistics -- PART II: CONCEPTUAL STRUCTURE: 8. What is a cognitive linguistics approach to conceptual structure? -- 9. Image schemas and the origin of concepts -- 10. Cognitive Semantics -- 11. Categorisation and idealised cognitive models -- 12. Conceptual metaphor theory --
13. Primary metaphors and conceptual metonymy -- PART III: SEMANTIC STRUCTURE: 14. What is a cognitive linguistics approach to semantics? -- 15. The encyclopaedic approach to semantic structure I: Overview -- 16. The encyclopaedic Approach to semantic structure II: Two theories -- 17. Network approaches to semantic structure -- 18. Access semantics and meaning construction -- 19. Mental spaces and discourse meaning -- 20. Conceptual blending and semantic Creativity -- PART IV: GRAMMAR: 21. What is a cognitive linguistics approach to grammar? -- 22. Cognitive Grammar I: Lexical classes -- 23. Cognitive Grammar II: Constructions -- 24. Cognitive Grammar III: The verb string -- 25. Construction Grammar I: Accounting for irregularity in gramar -- 26. Construction Grammar II: Accounting for generalisations in grammar -- 27. The evolution of gramar -- PART V: APPLICATIONS AND EXTENSIONS OF COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS: 28. Language, society and discourse -- 29. Text, narrative and literatura -- 30. Gesture and sign language

El libro cubre todos los aspectos de la relación entre el lenguaje y la mente, así como las aplicaciones y extensiones de la lingüística cognitiva al estudio del texto, la literatura, el discurso y la sociedad


Lingüística cognitiva
Gramática comparada y general

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