The romantic machine utopian science and technology after Napoleon

Tresch, John

The romantic machine utopian science and technology after Napoleon - Chicago Londres The University of Chicago Press 2012 - xvii, 449 páginas ilustraciones 23 cm

Preface: Absolute and In-between. -- Introduction: Mechanical Romanticism. -- Part 1: Devices of cosmic unity. -- Ampère’s Experiments: Contours of a Cosmic Substance. -- Humboldt’s Instruments: Even the Tools Will Be Free. -- Arago’s Daguerreotype: The Labor Theory of Knowledge. -- Parte 2: Spectacles of creation and metamorphosis. -- The Devil’s Opera: Fantastic Physiospiritualism. -- Monsters, Machine-Men, Magicians: The Automaton in the Garden. --
Part 3: Engineers of artificial paradises. -- Saint-Simonian Engines: Love and Conversions. -- Leroux’s Pianotype: The Organogenesis of Humanity. -- Comte’s Calendar: From Infinite Universe to Closed World. -- Conclusion: Afterlives of the Romantic Machine.


Tecnología--Aspectos sociales--Francia--Siglo XIX
Utopías--Historia--Francia--Siglo XIX
Maquinaria--Aspectos sociales--Siglo XIX
Ciencia--Aspecto sociales--Francia--Siglo XIX
Tecnología--Filosofía--Siglo XIX


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