Maps & civilization cartography in culture and society
Maps & civilization cartography in culture and society Maps and civilization Norman J.W. Thrower - Chicago, Illinois London University of Chicago Press 1996 - xiii, 326 páginas ilustraciones, mapas a blanco y negro 23 cm.
Incluye referencia bibliográficas (páginas 259-299), glosario e índice
1. Introduction: Maps of Preliterate Peoples -- 2. Maps of Classical Antiquity -- 3. Early Maps of East and South Asia -- 4. Cartography in Europe and Islam in the Middle Ages -- 5. The Rediscovery of Ptolemy and Cartography in Renaissance Europe
6. Cartography in the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment -- 7. Diversification and Development in the Nineteenth Century
8. Modern Cartography: Official and Quasi-Official Maps -- 9. Modern Cartography: Private and Institutional Maps -- Appendix A: Selected Map Projections -- Appendix B: Short List of Isograms -- Appendix C: Glossary -- Notes
Illustration Sources -- Index
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