Chicano art inside/outside the master's house cultural politics and the CARA exhibition
Chicano art inside/outside the master's house cultural politics and the CARA exhibition Alicia Gaspar de Alba - Austin, Texas University of Texas Press 1998 - xxi, 308 páginas ilustraciones, algunas a color 24 cm
Incluye referencias bibliográficas (páginas 279-296) e índice
List of Figures List of Tables Pre-Face/Pre-CARA Acknowledgments A Theoretical Introduction: Alter-Native Ethnography, a lo rasquache Part One. Open House The Solar of Chicano/a Popular Culture: Mi casa [no] es su casa Color Gallery Part Two. Cara's Politics of Representation Through Serpent and Eagle Eyes: Intercultural Collaboration Out of the House, the Halo, and the Whore's Mask: The Mirror of Malinchismo Part Three. Public Reception "Between the Ghetto and the Melting Pot": Popular Hegemony Conclusion: The Mutation of Multiculturalism Appendix A: Selected Viewer Comments Appendix B: The Organizational Structure of the CARA Exhibition Notes Bibliography Index
Arte mexicano-americano
Arte mexicano-americano--Opinión pública
Política en el arte
704.036872073 / G249