In the beginning bibles before the year 1000

In the beginning bibles before the year 1000 edited by Michelle P. Brown - Washington, D.C. Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution 2006 - 360 páginas ilustraciones, fotos a color 27 cm

Incluye referencias bibliográficas, glosario e índice

Foreword from the Freer Gallery of Art and the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery -- Foreword from the Bodleian Library, University of Oxford
Introduction by Michelle Brown -- Charles Lang Freer as collector of biblical manuscripts? by Ann Gunter -- The Journey of the Text
Chronology -- Map -- Bible and book by Harry Y. Gamble -- The Christian Orient by Monica Blanchard -- Spreading the Word by Michelle P. Brown -- The book as icon by Herbert L. Kessler -- Catalogue -- Discovering the bible -- Scroll and codex -- The earliest Hebrew scriptures -- The earliest Christian scriptures -- Formation and codification: the evolution of the bible -- From Babel to Pentecost: sacred languages and the vernaculars -- Spreading the Word -- The single-volume bible -- The book as desert, the scribe as evangelist -- From Eastern deserts to Western isles -- Early Christian Britain and Ireland -- Book as icon -- Reference Catalogue -- Manuscripts and Lenders in the Exhibition -- Glossary and Whos Who -- List of abbreviations -- Endnotes
Bibliography -- Contributors -- Photo Credits -- Index

9780934686037 0934686033


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