Parshall, Peter W.

Origins of European printmaking fifteenth-century woodcuts and their public Peter W. Parshall, Rainer Schoch, with David S. Areford, Richard S. Field, and Peter Schmid - Washington, DC. National Gallery of Art, in association with Yale University Press, New Haven 2005 - ix, 371 páginas ilustraciones, fotografías (algunas a color) 31 cm.

Incluye referencias bibliográficas (páginas 341-363) e índice

Early woodcuts and the reception of the primitive / Peter Parshall and Rainer Schoch -- The early woodcut: the known and the unknown / Richard S. Field -- The multiple image: the beginnings of printmaking, between old theories and new approaches / Peter Schmidt -- Catalogue. Techniques of replication -- Traces of an early style -- Reception and markets -- Passion and compassion -- Intercession and instruction -- The saints

0300113390 9780300113396

Grabado en madera--Europa--Siglo XV--Exposiciones
Arte y sociedad--Historia--Europa--Hasta 1500--Exposiciones

769.9409 / P266

Sector Cultura

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Sede Yerbabuena:
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