Christian Friedrich August Dillmann 1823-1894

Ethiopic grammar / August Dillmann, Carl Bezold; traslated by James A. Crichton - 2a edición - London : Willians & Norgate, 1907. - xxx, 581 páginas, 9 tablas ; 24 cm

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Incluye bibliografía

Introduction. -- General remarks ob the Ethiopic language. -- Part first. I. Orthography and phonology. -- II. Phonology. -- III. Meting of letters in the syllable and in the word. -- III. In the word and the tone of the word. -- Part seconds. Morphology. -- A. Roots: their classes and their forms. -- B. Formation of verbs. -- I. Systems formation of verbs. -- II. Formation of tenses and moods. -- III. Formation of persons, genders and numbers.


Texto en inglés e hindú.

Lenguas etíopes
Lenguaje y lenguas

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