The library of tomorrow
Looking forward, a fantasy / by F. P. Keppel.--Responsibility of the library to continue the literary tradition / by H. M. Lydenberg.--Libraries, the stronghold of freedom / by Dorothy C. Fisher.--National leadership from Washington / by C. B. Joeckel and W. O. Mishoff.--Ideal library support / by M. J. Ferguson.--Experimentation / by C. H. Milam.--One for all: a historical sketch of library cooperation, 1930-1970 / by R. B. Downs.--Libraries and scholarship / by S. B. Mitchell.--Extension of library service / by J. T. Jennings.--Standards for the public library book collection / by C. B. Roden.--The librarian of the future / by C. E. Rush.--Housing to-morrow's library / by J. A. Lowe.--The trustee of the future, by W. E. Marcus.--The library's responsibility to the child / by Lillian H. Smith.--School library service: 1970 / by Mildred L. Batchelder.--College and university libraries / by H. M. Wriston.--Educating the community through the library / by Lyman Bryson.--The library's part in developing the citizen / by R. R. Munn.--The special library looks forward, by Ruth Savord.--The future of the Library of Congress, by Herbert Putnam