An introduction to social anthropology sharing our worlds Joy Hendry

Por: Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Detalles de publicación: Londres Palgrave Macmillan 2008Edición: 2a ediciónDescripción: xxi, 328 páginas ilustraciones, mapas 24 cmISBN:
  • 9780230005273
Tema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 306 H498 22
Preface. – Introduction. -- What Anthropologists Do. -- A Brief History of Social (and Cultural) Anthropology. -- Seeing the World. -- Souvenirs and Handkerchiefs. -- Learning to Classify. -- Life, Death and Burial Alive. -- Cultural Relativism and the Anthropologists’ Bias. -- Changes in Systems of Classification: The Issue of Gender. -- Disgusting, Forbidden and Unthinkable. -- Challenging Some Ingrained Ideas. -- Taboo. – Pollution. -- Purity and Classification. -- Animal Categories and Verbal Abuse. -- Gitts, Exchange and Reciprocity. -- The Anthropologist’s Arrival. – Gifts. -- The Indian Gift. – Exchange. – Reciprocity. -- Objects Inalienable, Entangled and Wrapped. -- The Ritual Round. -- Shoes and the Empty Ritual. -- Definitions of Ritual. -- Rites of Passage. -- Society: A Set of Symbols. -- What is a symbol?. -- Bodily Symbols. -- Symbolising Relationships. -- Group Symbols and Their Interpretation. -- Anthropological Interpretation of Symbolism. -- Beauty and Bountq: Treasure and Trophies. -- Seeing and Value. -- Living Art. -- Art for Gaining Access to ’Seeing the World’. -- Art and Status: The Status of Art. -- Art and Meaning. -- Aesthetics. -- Definitions of Art. -- Cosmology 1: Religion, Magic and Mythology. -- Religion, Science and Cosmology. -- Definitions and Distinctions. -- Origins of Religion. -- Explanations of Religious Phenomena. -- Cults: The Persistence of Religious Movements. -- Cosmology 11: Witchcraft, Shamanism and Sqncretism. -- Indigenous Categories of Cosmology. -- Terminology. -- Roles of Witchcraft and Sorcery Beliefs. -- Reactions and other Theories of Witchcraft. -- Possession and Shamanism. -- Syncretism. -- Law, Order and Social Control Rules and Norms. -- Sanctions. -- Order and Dispute. -- Contested Norms and Social Control in a Context. -- The Art of Politics. -- Political Possibilities. -- Types of Political System. -- Acquiring and Achieving Political Power and Status. -- Familq, Kinship and Marriage. -- Varieties of Kinship. -- Classifying Kin Relations. -- Unilineal Descent Groups. -- Kinship in a Multicultural Context: A Case Study. -- Marriage. -- Endogamy, Exogamy and Incest. -- Marriage as Exchange - Dowry and Bridewealth. -- Locality of Marriage Residence. -- Monogamy and Polygamy. -- Economics and the Environment. -- Introduction. -- Subsistence and Survival. -- Property and Tenure. -- Market Economics. -- Social Views of the Environment. -- Environmental Influence in Social Life. -- Tourism and the intercultural Encounter. -- Cultural Difference for Recreation. -- The Study of Travel and Tourism. -- Play and Rites of Passage. -- Ecotourism and Sacred Places. -- Performance, Identity and Authenticity. -- Theme Parks, Museums and Material Culture. -- Transnationalism, Globalisation and Beqond. -- Anthropology for the Future. -- People on the Move and Transnational Connections. -- Globalisation of Business, Objects and Ideas. -- New Themes and Methods for Anthropology. -- The Value of Anthropology in our Future World.
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Libros Sede Yerbabuena Colección General 306 H498 ej. 1 Disponible tmt11 500074675

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Preface. – Introduction. -- What Anthropologists Do. -- A Brief History of Social (and Cultural) Anthropology. -- Seeing the World. -- Souvenirs and Handkerchiefs. -- Learning to Classify. -- Life, Death and Burial Alive. -- Cultural Relativism and the Anthropologists’ Bias. -- Changes in Systems of Classification: The Issue of Gender. -- Disgusting, Forbidden and Unthinkable. -- Challenging Some Ingrained Ideas. -- Taboo. – Pollution. -- Purity and Classification. -- Animal Categories and Verbal Abuse. -- Gitts, Exchange and Reciprocity. -- The Anthropologist’s Arrival. – Gifts. -- The Indian Gift. – Exchange. – Reciprocity. -- Objects Inalienable, Entangled and Wrapped. -- The Ritual Round. -- Shoes and the Empty Ritual. -- Definitions of Ritual. -- Rites of Passage. -- Society: A Set of Symbols. -- What is a symbol?. -- Bodily Symbols. -- Symbolising Relationships. -- Group Symbols and Their Interpretation. -- Anthropological Interpretation of Symbolism. -- Beauty and Bountq: Treasure and Trophies. -- Seeing and Value. -- Living Art. -- Art for Gaining Access to ’Seeing the World’. -- Art and Status: The Status of Art. --
Art and Meaning. -- Aesthetics. -- Definitions of Art. -- Cosmology 1: Religion, Magic and Mythology. -- Religion, Science and Cosmology. -- Definitions and Distinctions. -- Origins of Religion. -- Explanations of Religious Phenomena. -- Cults: The Persistence of Religious Movements. -- Cosmology 11: Witchcraft, Shamanism and Sqncretism. -- Indigenous Categories of Cosmology. -- Terminology. -- Roles of Witchcraft and Sorcery Beliefs. -- Reactions and other Theories of Witchcraft. -- Possession and Shamanism. -- Syncretism. -- Law, Order and Social Control Rules and Norms. -- Sanctions. -- Order and Dispute. -- Contested Norms and Social Control in a Context. -- The Art of Politics. -- Political Possibilities. -- Types of Political System. -- Acquiring and Achieving Political Power and Status. -- Familq, Kinship and Marriage. -- Varieties of Kinship. -- Classifying Kin Relations. -- Unilineal Descent Groups. -- Kinship in a Multicultural Context: A Case Study. -- Marriage. -- Endogamy, Exogamy and Incest. -- Marriage as Exchange - Dowry and Bridewealth. -- Locality of Marriage Residence. -- Monogamy and Polygamy. -- Economics and the Environment. -- Introduction. -- Subsistence and Survival. -- Property and Tenure. -- Market Economics. -- Social Views of the Environment. -- Environmental Influence in Social Life. -- Tourism and the intercultural Encounter. -- Cultural Difference for Recreation. -- The Study of Travel and Tourism. -- Play and Rites of Passage. -- Ecotourism and Sacred Places. -- Performance, Identity and Authenticity. -- Theme Parks, Museums and Material Culture. -- Transnationalism, Globalisation and Beqond. -- Anthropology for the Future. -- People on the Move and Transnational Connections. -- Globalisation of Business, Objects and Ideas. -- New Themes and Methods for Anthropology. -- The Value of Anthropology in our Future World.


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