English grammar : an introduction / Peter Collins and Carmella Hollo
Tipo de material:
- 978023021695
- 425 C712e 22
Tipo de ítem | Biblioteca actual | Colección | Signatura topográfica | Copia número | Estado | Notas | Fecha de vencimiento | Código de barras | |
Libros | Sede Yerbabuena | Colección General | 425 C712e | ej. 1 | Disponible | tmt10 | 500074697 |
Incluye índice.
Incluye glosario.
Grammatical description. -- Introdcution. -- Grammar and the description of language. -- Defining grammatical categories. -- Grammatical categories and 'prototypes'. -- Morphology : words and lexemes. -- Constituent structure. -- Classes and functions. -- Descriptive and prescriptive grammar. -- Grammar and the description of texts. -- Grammar and language variety. -- A preliminary overview. -- The parts of speech. -- Words of phrases. -- The open classes. -- The closed classes. -- Basic and non-basic clauses. -- The structure of basic clauses : a preview. -- Exercises. -- Nouns and nouns phrases. -- Subclasses of nouns. -- Proper nouns. -- Pronouns. -- Noun phrase structure. -- Pre-head dependents. -- Post-head dependents. -- Niminalisation. -- Exercises. -- Verbs and verb phrases. -- Verbs. -- Auxiliary verbs. -- Verb phrase structure and meaning. -- Exercises. -- Adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and associated phrases. -- Adjectives. -- Adjective phrase structure. -- Adverbs. -- Adverb phrase structure. -- Preposition and prepositional phrases. -- Clause structure and clause type. -- The structure of basic clauses. -- Five major complementation patterns. -- Non-central types of complement. -- Clause type ('mood'). -- 'The sun rising' - A text based demostration. -- Negation in the clause. -- Exercises. -- Subordination and coordination. -- Sentences and clauses. -- Subordination and coordiantion. -- Subordinate clauses. -- Non-finite clauses. -- Verbless clauses. -- Coordination. -- 'Flattened tree' analysis. -- Exercises. -- Information structure in the clause. -- Information structure. -- Active and passive clauses. -- Subject.complement switch. -- Extraposition. -- Existential sentences. -- Cleft sentences. -- 'Reordering'. -- Exercises. -- Looking at the language in context. -- From separate sentences to conected text. -- Some preliminary considerations. -- Rconsidering sentences. -- Cohesion. -- Analysis of cohesion in sample texts. -- Exercises. -- Text and context. -- Dimension of register . field, mode and tenor. -- Further dimensions : functions and genre. -- Text analysis - putting it all together. -- 'Top.down' approach. -- 'Bottom-up' approach. -- Demostration alalyses : 'The scope of linguistic' and 'Mysteries'. -- Exercises. -- Appedixes : A anyone lived in a pretty how town. -- B Recipe. -- C Seaview advertisement. -- D Extract from 'creature features'. -- Interview with Sydney band fourplay. -- 'Mysteries'. -- The sun rising. -- When Arnie speaks, there's no going back. -- The rising levels of debt that stop workers clocking off. -- The scope of inguistic. -- Answers to exercises.
Lenguaje y lenguas