Creole languages and linguistic typology / edited by Parth Bhatt, Tonjes Veenstra

Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Series Benjamins current topics ; v. 57Detalles de publicación: Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins, 2013Descripción: 279 páginas : ilustraciones ; 24 cmISBN:
  • 9789027202765
Tema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 417.22 C916b 22
Introduction. -- Parth Bhatt and Tonjes Veenstra. -- Creoles are typologically distinct from non-creoles / Peter Bakker, Aymeric Daval-Markussen, Mikael Parkvall and Ingo Plag. -- Typologizing grammatical complexities: Why creoles may be paradigmatically simple but syntagmatically average / Jeff Good. -- Pidgin-creoles as a scattered sprachbund: Comparing Kriyol and Nubi / Alain Kihm. -- Creolization and admixture: Typology, feature pools, and second language acquisition / Ingo Plag. -- The Gulf of Guinea Creoles: Genetic and typological relations / Tjerk Hagemeijer. -- Typology of creole phonology: Phoneme inventories and syllable templates / Thomas B. Klein. -- The typology of Caribbean Creole reduplication / Silvia Kouwenberg and Darlene LaCharité.
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Libros Sede Yerbabuena Colección General 417.22 C916b ej. 1 Disponible tmt10 500074707

Incluye bibliografía e índice.

Introduction. -- Parth Bhatt and Tonjes Veenstra. -- Creoles are typologically distinct from non-creoles / Peter Bakker, Aymeric Daval-Markussen, Mikael Parkvall and Ingo Plag. -- Typologizing grammatical complexities: Why creoles may be paradigmatically simple but syntagmatically average / Jeff Good. -- Pidgin-creoles as a scattered sprachbund: Comparing Kriyol and Nubi / Alain Kihm. -- Creolization and admixture: Typology, feature pools, and second language acquisition / Ingo Plag. -- The Gulf of Guinea Creoles: Genetic and typological relations / Tjerk Hagemeijer. -- Typology of creole phonology: Phoneme inventories and syllable templates / Thomas B. Klein. -- The typology of Caribbean Creole reduplication / Silvia Kouwenberg and Darlene LaCharité.


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