The Persistance of Language : constructing and confronting the past and the present in the voices of Jane H. Hill / Edited by Shannin T. Bischff [et al.]
Tipo de material:
- 9789027202918
Foreword / Kenneth C. Hill. -- Preface / Shannon T. Bischoff, Deborah Cole, Amy V. Fountain & Mizuki. -- Introduction. The Persistance of language: Constructing and confronting the past and the present in the voices of Jane / Shannon T. Bischoff, Deborah Cole, Amy V. Fountain & Mizuki. -- Pte 1: Approaches to the study of the indifenous languages of the Americas. -- The diachrony of Ute case-marking / T. Givón. -- Language contact as an inhibitor of sound change: An Athabaskan example / Karen Rice. -- Stress in Yucatec Maya: Syncretism in loan incorporation as evidence for stress patterns / Emily Kidder. -- The phonetic correlates of Southern Ute stress / Stacey Oberly. -- Revisiting Tohono O'odham high vowels / Collen M. Fitzgerald. -- Head-marking inflection and the architecture of grammatical theory: Evidence from reduplication and conpunding in Hiaki (Yaqui) / Jason D. Haugen & Heidi Harley. -- A case-study in grass roots development of web resources for language workers: The Coeur d'Alene Archive and Online Language Resocurces (CAOLR) / Shannon Bischoff y Amy Fountain. -- Pte 2: Approaches to the study of voices and ideologies. Language contact, shift, and endangerment - implications for policy. -- Spanish in contact with indigenous tongues: Changing the tide in favor of heritage languages / José Antonio Flóres Farfán. -- How can a language