Applied phonetics / Claude Merton Wise ; illustrated H. S. Wise

Por: Idioma: Inglés Detalles de publicación: Englewood, Nueva Jersey (USA) : Prentice Hall, 1957Descripción: xii, 546 p. il. 24 cmTema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 414 W812a 21
Part one: The Purpose of This Book; Sounds and Symbols: A Preliminary View of the Sounds of English and the Phonetic Representing Them; Production and Classification of Speech Sounds; Detailed View of the Sounds of English Speech; Sound Change. -- Part Two: Speech Regions of America; General American English: Standard and Substandard; Southern American English: Standard and Substandard; Eastern American English: Standard and Substandard; Standard Southern British: "Stage Speech". -- Part Three: Cockney; Scottish; Irish; Speech of New York City: Standard and Substandard; Substandard Southern Negro Speech; Mountain Speech. -- Part Four: French: Including Louisiana Frencha and French-Canadian; German; Pennsylvania German ("Pensylvania Dutch"); Yiddish; Norwegian; Italian; Spanish: Including Mexican; Russian; Brazilian Portuguese Dialect: The Sounds of Brazilian Portuguese; The Brazilian Dialect of English
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Libros Sede Yerbabuena Colección General 414 W812a ej. 1 Disponible tmt10 90207

Part one: The Purpose of This Book; Sounds and Symbols: A Preliminary View of the Sounds of English and the Phonetic Representing Them; Production and Classification of Speech Sounds; Detailed View of the Sounds of English Speech; Sound Change. -- Part Two: Speech Regions of America; General American English: Standard and Substandard; Southern American English: Standard and Substandard; Eastern American English: Standard and Substandard; Standard Southern British: "Stage Speech". -- Part Three: Cockney; Scottish; Irish; Speech of New York City: Standard and Substandard; Substandard Southern Negro Speech; Mountain Speech. -- Part Four: French: Including Louisiana Frencha and French-Canadian; German; Pennsylvania German ("Pensylvania Dutch"); Yiddish; Norwegian; Italian; Spanish: Including Mexican; Russian; Brazilian Portuguese Dialect: The Sounds of Brazilian Portuguese; The Brazilian Dialect of English

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