General phonetics / G. Nöel-Armfield

Por: Idioma: Inglés Detalles de publicación: Cambridge (Inglaterra) : W. Heffer ans Sons, 1931Edición: 4 ed. revised and enlargedDescripción: xii, 188 p. front. (il.), il., tabla dobl. 19 cmTema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 414 N766g 4 ed.
Some readons for the study of phonetics. -- The organs of speech. -- Two main classes of speech-sounds. -- Cardinal vowels. -- Phonetic alphabet as applied t standad English. -- Classification of English consonants. -- Classification of English vowels. -- Diphthongs. -- Leight or quantity, and character or quality. -- Assimilation, dissimilation, assibilation, haplology. -- Syllables, syllabic sounds, stress, breath-groups. -- Glides, theory of plosive consonants, double consonants. -- Intonation. -- Strong and wear forms. -- Aspirated and fully-voiced consonants. -- Easier non-English consonants. -- The principal non-English vowels. -- More diffucult non-English consonants. -- Inverse sounds, clicks, whispered sounds and consonants with glottal closure. -- Retroflexed and mixed vowels. -- Significant word intonation. -- Practical hints. -- The transcription of languages hitherto not written. -- A sketch of experimental and instrumental phonetic investigations. -- Exercises. -- The main types of human speech-sounds. -- Dictation exercises. -- Script forms of special phonetic letters. -- Phonetic handwriting
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Libros Sede Yerbabuena Colección General 414 N766g 4 ed. ej. 1 Disponible tmt10 90028
Libros Sede Yerbabuena Colección General 414 N766g 4 ed. ej. 2 Disponible tmt10 500077851
Libros Sede Yerbabuena Colección General 414 N766g 4 ed. ej. 3 Disponible tmt10 500077853

Bibliography, p. 188

Some readons for the study of phonetics. -- The organs of speech. -- Two main classes of speech-sounds. -- Cardinal vowels. -- Phonetic alphabet as applied t standad English. -- Classification of English consonants. -- Classification of English vowels. -- Diphthongs. -- Leight or quantity, and character or quality. -- Assimilation, dissimilation, assibilation, haplology. -- Syllables, syllabic sounds, stress, breath-groups. -- Glides, theory of plosive consonants, double consonants. -- Intonation. -- Strong and wear forms. -- Aspirated and fully-voiced consonants. -- Easier non-English consonants. -- The principal non-English vowels. -- More diffucult non-English consonants. -- Inverse sounds, clicks, whispered sounds and consonants with glottal closure. -- Retroflexed and mixed vowels. -- Significant word intonation. -- Practical hints. -- The transcription of languages hitherto not written. -- A sketch of experimental and instrumental phonetic investigations. -- Exercises. -- The main types of human speech-sounds. -- Dictation exercises. -- Script forms of special phonetic letters. -- Phonetic handwriting

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