TY - GEN AU - Schmidt,Michael TI - The novel : : a biography SN - 9780674724730 U1 - 808.3 21 PY - 2014/// CY - Cambridge PB - Belknap Press of Harvard University Press KW - Abish, Walter, KW - White, Patrick, Victor Martindale, KW - Wright, Richard William, KW - Zola, Emile, KW - Wilde, Oscar, KW - Wilder, Thornton, KW - Williamson, Henry William, KW - Wilson, Angus, KW - Wilson, Edmund, KW - Winterson, Jeanette, KW - Wolfe, Thomas Clayton, KW - Wolfe, Tom, KW - Woolf, Virginia, KW - Stowe, Harriet Beecher, KW - Styron, William Clark, KW - Swift, Graham, KW - Swift, Jonathan, KW - Powys, Theodore Francis KW - Taylor, Elizabeth KW - Thiong'o, Ngũgĩ wa, KW - Thompson, Hunter Stockton, KW - Tóibin, Colm, KW - Tolstoy, Lev Nikolaevich, KW - Toomer, Jean, KW - Townsend Warner, Sylvia, KW - Trollope, Frances Milton, KW - Twain, Mark, seud, KW - Tyler, Anne, KW - Updike, John Hoyer, KW - Upward, Edward Falaise, KW - Urquhart, Sir Thomas, KW - Víctor Hugo Marie, KW - Vidal, Gore, KW - Voltaire, François-Marie Arouet de, KW - Vonnegut, Kurt, KW - Walker, Alice Malsenio, KW - Wallace, David Foster, KW - Walpole, Horace, KW - Walpole, Hugh Seymou, KW - Ward, Artemus, KW - Ward, Humphry, KW - Warton, Edith, KW - Washington Cable, George, KW - Waugh, Evelyn, KW - Wells, Herbert George, KW - Welty, Eudora Alice, KW - West, Nathanael, KW - West, Rebecca, KW - White, Edmund Valentine, KW - Sillitoe, Alan, KW - Sinclair, Upton, KW - Smollett, Tobias George, KW - Snow, Charles Percy, KW - Soyinka, Wole, KW - Stead, Christina, KW - Stein, Gertrude, KW - Steinbeck, John Ernst , KW - Stendhal, seud., KW - Sterne, Laurence, KW - Stoker, Bram, KW - Stevenson, Robert Louis, KW - Sidney, Philip, KW - Schereiner, Olive, KW - Scott, Paul Mark, KW - Scott, Sir Walter, KW - Shadbolt, Maurice Francis Richard, KW - Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, KW - Samuel, Richardson, KW - Sayers, Doirothy Leigh, KW - Rabelaais, François, KW - Radcliffe, Ann, KW - Rand, Ayn, KW - Raphael, Frederic Michael, KW - Raspe, Rudolf Erich, KW - Reeve, Clara, KW - Rhys, Jean, KW - Richardson, Dorothy, KW - Poe, Edgar Allan, KW - Richler, Mordecai, KW - Riding, Laura, KW - Robinson, Marilynne, KW - Rohinton, Mistry, KW - Roth, Philip Milton, KW - Rushdie, Salman, KW - Salinger, Jerome David, KW - Porter, Katherine Anne, KW - Powell, Anthony, KW - Priestley, John Boynton, KW - Pritchett, Victor Sawdon, KW - Proust, Marcel, KW - Pynchon, Thomas Ruggles, KW - Cookson, Catherine, KW - Green, Henry, KW - Greene, Graham, 1904-1991 KW - Guevara, Antonio de, Fray, KW - Haggard, Henry Rider, KW - Hall, Radclyffe, KW - Hammett, Samuel Dashiell, KW - Handel Richardson, Henry, KW - Hardy, Thomas, KW - Harris, Wilson, 1921- KW - Harte, Bret, KW - Hawthorne, Nathaniel, KW - Haywood, Eliza, KW - Head, Bessie, KW - Heinlein, Robert Anson, KW - Heller, Joseph, KW - Hemingway, Ernest, KW - Higden, Ranulf, KW - Hoban, Russell Conwell, KW - Hogg, James, KW - Hollinghurst, Alan, KW - Howells, William Dean, KW - Hudson, William Henry, KW - Hughes, Langston, KW - Hulme, Keri, KW - Huxley, Aldous, KW - Irving, Washington, KW - Isherwood, Christopher, KW - Ishiguro, Kazuo, KW - James, Henry, KW - Jefferies, Richard, KW - Johnson, Bryan Stanley. KW - Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784 KW - Josipovici, Gabriel David, KW - Joyce, James, KW - Kafka, Franz, KW - Kerouac, Jack, KW - King, Stephen Edwing, KW - Kingsley, Charles, KW - Kipling, Joseph Rudyard, KW - Koestler, Arthur, KW - Laetitia Barbauld, Anna, KW - Lamming, George, KW - Lawrence, David Herbert, KW - Le Guin, Ursula, KW - Corelli, Marie, KW - Crane, Stephen, KW - Cummings, Edward Estlin, KW - Robertson Davies, William, KW - Defore, Daniel, KW - Denton Welch, KW - Desai, Anita, KW - Dick, Philip K., KW - Dickens, Charles, KW - Didion, Joan, KW - Disraeli, Benjamin, KW - Doctorow, Edgar Lawrence, KW - Lewis Carroll, KW - Dos Passos, John, KW - Dostoievski, Fiodor Mijailovich. KW - Doyle, Arthur Conan, KW - Drabble, Margaret, KW - Dreiser, Theodore, KW - Durrell, Lawrence, KW - Easton Ellis, Bret, KW - Edgeworth, María, KW - Eliot, George, KW - Ellison, Ralph, KW - Mannin, Ethel, KW - Eugenides, Jeffrey, KW - Faulkner, William, KW - Feinstein, Elaine, KW - Fenimore Cooper, James, KW - Ferrier, Susan, KW - Fielding, Henry, KW - Fitzgerald, Francis Scott KW - Flauber, Gustave, KW - Ford, Richard, KW - Forester, Cecil Scott, KW - Forster, Edward Morgan, KW - Fowles, John Robert, KW - Frame Clutha, Janet Paterson, KW - Franzen, Jonathan, KW - Gaddis, William Thomas. KW - Galsworthy, John, KW - Galt, John, KW - Gardner, John, KW - Garnett, David, KW - Gaskell, Elizabeth, KW - Gass, William, KW - Gibbons, Stella, KW - Gissing, George, KW - Glasgow, Ellen, KW - Godimer, Nadine KW - Godwin, Thomas, KW - Godwin, William, KW - Gogol, Nikolai Nikolái Vasílievich, KW - Golding, William, KW - Goldsmith, Oliver, KW - Gosse, Edmund, KW - Grahame, Kenneth, KW - Graves, Robert, KW - Gray, Alasdair, KW - Achebe, Chinua, KW - Ackroyd, Peter KW - Ainsworth, William Harrison, KW - Alcott, Louisa May, KW - Aldington, Richard, KW - Amis, Kingsley, KW - Amis, Martin, KW - Anand, Mulk Raj KW - Anderson, Sherwood KW - Asimov, Isaac KW - Atwood, Margaret KW - Austen, Jane KW - Auster, Paul KW - Baldwin, James, KW - Ballard, James Grames KW - Balzac, Honoré de KW - Barnes, Djuna KW - Barnes, Julian KW - Barrie, James Matthew KW - Barth, John Simmons KW - Barthelme, Donald, KW - Beckett, Samuel KW - Beckford, William Thomas, KW - Beerbohm, Max, KW - Behn, Aphra, KW - Bellow, Saul, KW - Bennett, Arnold, KW - Bowen, Elizabeth, KW - Bowles Paul, KW - Bowles, Jane, KW - Boyd, William, KW - Bradbury, Ray, KW - Braine, John Gerard, KW - Braine, John Gerard, KW - Brockden Brown, Charles, KW - Brontë, Anne, KW - Brontë, Charlotte, KW - Brooke-Rose, Christine, KW - Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, KW - Bunyan, John, KW - Burgess, Anthony, KW - Burney, Fanny, KW - Burroughs, William S., KW - Butler, Samuel, KW - Butts, Mary KW - Byatt, A. S., KW - Capote, Truman, KW - Carey, Peter, KW - Carlyle, Thomas, KW - Carter, Angela Olive, KW - Cartland, Barbara, KW - Cary, Joyce, KW - Cather, Willa, KW - Caxton, William, KW - Céline, Louis-Ferdinand, KW - Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, KW - Chabon, Michael, KW - Chandler, Raymond Thornton, KW - Chatwin, Bruce Charles, KW - Chesterton, Gilbert Keith, KW - Chopin, Kate, KW - Christie, Agatha, KW - Clarke, Arthur Charle, KW - Cleland, John, KW - Coetzee, John Maxwell, KW - Collins, Wilkie, KW - Compton-Burnett, Ivy, KW - Conrad, Joseph, KW - Lee, Nelle Haper, KW - Leonard, Elmore John , KW - Lesage, Alain-René, 7 KW - Lessing, Doris, KW - Lewis, Janet Loxley, KW - Lewis, Matthew Gregory, KW - Lewis, Harry Sinclair, KW - Lewis, Wyndham, KW - Lodge, David John, KW - Peacock, Thomas Love, KW - Lovecraft, Howard Phillips, KW - Lovelace, Earl, KW - Lowry, Malcolm, KW - Lyly, John, KW - Madox Ford, Ford, KW - Mailer, Norman Kingsley, KW - Makepeace Thackeray, William, KW - Malamud, Bernard, KW - Malorym, Thomas, KW - Malouf, David, KW - Manning, Olivia, KW - Mantel, Hilary Mary, KW - Marryat, Frederick, KW - Mathews, Harry, KW - Maturin, Charles Robert, KW - Maugham, William Somerset KW - Maurier, Daphne du, KW - McCarthy, Cormac, KW - McCarthy, Mary, KW - McCullers, Carson, KW - McEwan, Ian, KW - McGahern, John, KW - McKay, Claude, KW - Melville, Herman, KW - Meredith, George, KW - Miller, Henry Valentine, KW - Mo, Timothy Peter, KW - Moore, George Edward, KW - Morris, William, KW - Morrison, Toni, KW - Murdoch, Dame Jean Iris, KW - Nabokov, Vladimir, KW - Naipaul, Vidiadhar Surajprasad, KW - Narayan, Rasipuram Krishnaswami Iyer , KW - Nashe, Thomas, KW - Hurston, Zora Neale. KW - Nin Culmell, Anais, KW - Norris, Benjamin Frank, KW - Oates, Joyce Carol, KW - O'Brian, Patrick, KW - O'Brien, Edna, KW - O'Brien, Flam KW - O'Connoer, Flannery, KW - O'Hara, John Henry, KW - Okri, Ben, KW - Jewett, Sarah Orne, KW - Ondaatje, Michael, KW - Orwell, George, KW - Ozick, Cynthia, KW - Pater, Walter Horatio, KW - Phillips, Caryl, KW - Literatura estadounidense KW - LEMB KW - Literatura inglesa KW - Literatura francesa KW - Literatura irlandesa KW - Literatura japonesa KW - Novelistas estadounidenses KW - Crítica e interpretación KW - Novelistas ingleses KW - Novelistas franceses KW - Novelistas irlandeses KW - Novelistas japoneses N1 - Incluye índice; Literature is invention: Mandeville's travels, Ranulf Higden's polychronicom, De proprietatibus rerum. -- True stories; William Caxton, Thomas Malory, Foxe's book of Martyrs. -- Three springs; Sir Philip Sidney, Fray Antonio de Guevara, John Lyly, Thomas Nashe. -- Before irony: John Bunyan. -- Enter America: Aphra Behn, Zora Neale Hurston. -- Impersonation: Daniel Defore, Truman Capote, J. M. Coetzee. -- Proportion: François Rabelais, Sir Thomas Urquhart, Jonathan Swift, Samuel Johnson, Voltaire, Oliver Goldsmith, Alasdair Gray. -- Sex and sensibility: Samuel Richardson, Eliza Haywood, Anna Laetitia Barbauld, John Cleland. -- "Nouvvles"; Miguel de Cervantes, Alain-René Lesage, Henry Fielding, Tobias Smollett, Frederick Marryat, Richard Dana, C. S. Forester, Patrick O'Brian. -- "A cock and a bull": Laurence Sterne. -- The eerie: Horace Walpole, Clara Reeve, William Beckford, Ann Radcliffe, Matthew Gregory Lewis, Charles Brockden Brown, Clarles Robert Maturin. -- Listening: María Edgeworth, John McGahern. James Hogg, Sir Walter Scott, John Galt, Susan Ferrier. -- Manners: Fanny Burney, Jane Austen. -- Roman à thèse: Thomas Love Peacock, William Godwin, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Mary Shelley, Thomas Godwin, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Mary Shelley, Thomas Carlyle. -- Declarations of independence: Washington Irving, James Fenimore Cooper, Edgar Allan Poe. - The fiction industry: Charles Dickens, Harrison Ainsworth, Elizabeth Gaskell, Wilkie Collins. -- Gothic romance: Charlotte Brontë, Anne Brontë. -- Real wordls: Frances Trollope, William Makepeace Thackeray, Anthoy Trollope, Benjamin Disraeli. -- "Thought-divers": Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Harriet Beecher Stowe. -- The human comedy: Víctor Hugo, Stendhal, Honoré de Balzac, Gustave Flauber, Emile Zola. -- Imperfection: George Moore, George Eliot, Louisa May Alcott, George Meredith, George Gissing, Samuel Butler, Edmund Gosse. -- Braveries: Robert Louis Stevenson, W. H. Hudson, Bruce Chatwin, Richard Jefferies, William Morris, Charles Kingsley, Henry Rider Haggard, Rudyard Kipling. -- Smoke and mirrors: Charles Dodgson (Lewis Carroll), Rudolf Raspe, Bram Stoker, Ouida Marie Corelli, Walter Pater, Oscar Wilde, Denton Welch, Arthur Conan Doyle, J. M. Barrie, Max Beerbohm, Kenneth Grahame. -- Pessimists: Thomas Hardy, Joseph Conrad, Stephen Crane. -- Living through ideas: Nikolai Gogol, Ivan Turgenev, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Leo Tolstoy. -- The fate of forms: William Dean Howells, Henry James, Cynthia Ozick, Mrs. Humphry Ward, Edith Warton, Sinclair Lewis, Marcel Proust, Dorothy Richardson, Anthony Powell, Henry Williamson, C. P. Snow. -- Prodigality and philistinism: Artemus Ward, Mark Twain, George Washington Cable, Theodore Dreiser, Frank Norris, Jack London, Upton Sinclair. -- Blurring form: Willa Cather, Sarah Orne Jewett, Marilynne Robinson, Janet Lewis, Kate Chopin, Sherwood Anderson, Gertrude Stein, Laura Riding, Mary Butts. -- Social concerns: H. G. Wells, Rebecca West, Arnold Bennett, John Galsworthy, Somerset Maugham, Hugh Walpole, Frederic Raphael, Aldous Huxley, Arthur Koestler, George Orwell. -- Portraits and caricatures of the artist: James Joyce, Wyndham Lewis, Samuel Beckett, G. K. Chesterton, Anthony Burgess, Russell Hoban, Flam O'Brien, Donald Barthelme. -- Tone and register; Virginia Woolf, E. M. Forster, Paul Scott, J. G. Farell, Kazuo Ishiguro, Elizabeth Bowen, Edna O'Brien, Jeanette Winterson. -- Teller and tale: D. H. Lawrence, John Cowper Powys, T. F. Powys, Sylvia Townsend Warner, Henry Miller, Anais Nin, Lawrence Durrell, Richard Aldington, William S. Burroughs, Jack Kerouac. -- Truth to the impression: Ford Madox Ford, Ernest Hemingway, Jean Rhys, Djuna Barnes, John Updike, Don DeLillo, Joyce Carol Oates, Anne Tyler, Julian Barnes. -- Elegy: Thornton Wilder, William Faulkner, Ellen Glasgow, Eudora Welty, Carson McCullers, Flannery O'Connoer, Haper Lee, Ralph Ellison, Toni Morrison, Thomas Wolfe, Malcolm Lowry, Jouce Cary. -- Essaying: Edmund Wilson, Gore Vidal, John Dos Passos, E. E. Cummings, Mary McCarthy, Katherine Anne Porter, F. Scott Fitzgerald, John Steinbeck, John O'Hara, Nathanael West, William Gaddis, David Foster Wallace. -- Enchantment and disenchantment: Vladimir Nabokov, Ayn Rand, Radclyffe Hall, Ivy Compton-Burnett, Elizabeth Taylor, Muriel Spark, Gabriel Josipovici, Chriatine Brooke-Rose, B. S. Johnson, William Gass, John Barth, Harry Mathews, Walter Abish, Thomas Pynchon, Jonathan Franzen. -- Genre: Daphne du Maurier, Barbara Cartland, Catherine Cookson, et al.; Bret Harte, Zane Grey, et al., Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammett, Elmore Leonard, Agatha Christie, Doirothy L. Sayers, et. al.; H. P. Lovecraft, Stephen King, et al.; Robert Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Ray Bradbury, Philip K. Dick, Ursula Le Guin et. al. -- Convention and invention: David Garnett, J. B. Priestley, L. P. Ethel Mannin, Oliva Manning, Stella Gibbons, V. S. Pritchett, Robert Graves, Doris Lessing, Angela Carter, Elaine Feinstein, Colm Tóibin, Alan Hollinghurst. -- Propaganda: Christopher Isherwood, Edward Upward, Paul Bowles, Jane Bowles, Edmund White, Henry Green, Evelyn Waugh, William Boyd, Graham Greene, R. K. Narayan, Mulk Raj Anand, Rohinton, Mistry, V. S. Naipaul, Caryl Phillips, Timothy Mo. -- The blues: Richard Wright, Claude McKay, Jean Toomer, Langston Hughes, James Baldwin, William Styron, Displacement and expropriation: Chinua Achebe, Ngũgĩ Wa Thiong'o, George Lamming, Wilson Harris, Ben Okri, Wole Soyinka, Nadine Gordimer, Olive, Schereiner, Bessie Head, Alice Walker. -- Making space: Henry Handel Richardson, Patrick White, David Malouf, Peter Carey, Christina Stead, Robertson Davies, Margaret Atwood, Michael Ondaatje, Maurice Shadbolt, Janet Frame, Keri Hulme, Anita Desai, Salman Rushdie, Earl Lovelace. -- Win, place, and show: William Golding, Angus Wilson, Margaret Drabble, Malcolm Bradbury, David Lodge, Iris Murdoch, A. S. Byatt, Hilary Mantel, John Braine, Alan Sillitoe, Kingsley Amis, John Fowles, Ian McEwan, Peter, Ackroyd, Graham Swift, J. G. Ballard. -- Truths in fiction, the metamorphosis of journalism: E. L. Doctorow, John Gardner, Norman Mailer, Kurt Vonnegut, Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Joseph Heller, Joan Didion, Tom Wolfe, Hunter S. Thompson, Cormac McCarthy, Michael Chabon, Richard Ford, Bret Easton Ellis. -- Pariahs: Franz Kafka, Saul Bellow, Bernard Malamud, Mordecai Richler, J. D. Salinger, Philip Roth, Jeffrey Eugenides, Paul Auster, Martin Amis ER -