TY - BOOK AU - Kagan,Olga E. AU - Carreira,Maria M. AU - Chik,Claire Hitchins AU - Extra,Gus AU - Ndhlovu,Finex AU - Willoughby,Louisa AU - Wiley,Terrence G. AU - Bhalla,Shereen AU - Zampaulo,André AU - Duff,Patricia A. AU - Becker-Zayas,Ava AU - Uriu,Robert M. AU - Douglas,Masako O. AU - Sneddon,Raymonde AU - Souza,Ana AU - Gomes,Julia AU - McCabe,Marta AU - Ardakani,Maojgan Mokhatebi AU - Moloney,Robyn AU - Karapetian,Shushan AU - Bougerie,Dana Scott AU - Atoofi,Saeid AU - Naranjo Escobar,Francisco AU - Schwartz,Mila AU - Kagan,Olga E. AU - Chik,Claire Hitchins AU - Wright,Wayne E. AU - Jaumont,Fabrice AU - Le Dévédec,Benoît AU - Ross,Jane F. AU - Anderson,Jim AU - Oriyama,Kaya AU - Ramonienė,Meilutė AU - Lichačiova,Ala AU - Brazaukienė,Jelena AU - Seals,Corinne A. AU - Loona,Sunil AU - Wennerholm,Mats AU - Meier,Gabriela AU - Schumacher,Birgit AU - Carreira,Maria M. AU - Nielsen,Helle Lykke AU - Ribadeneira,Alegría AU - Lee,Alejandro AU - Nijhawan,Shobna AU - Duff,Patricia A. AU - Liu,Yongcan AU - Li,Duanduan AU - Pfaff,Carol W. AU - Dollnick,Meral AU - Herkenrath,Annette AU - Fouster,Robert J. AU - Verschik,Anna AU - Avineri,Netta TI - The Routledge Handbook of Heritage Language Education: from Innovation to Program Building T2 - Routledge Handbooks in Linguistic SN - 9781138845787 U1 - 418.0071 21 PY - 2017/// CY - Nueva York PB - Routledge KW - LEMB KW - Lenguas nativas KW - Enseñanza KW - Manuales KW - ARMARC KW - Minorías lingüísticas KW - Bilingüísmo KW - Lenguaje y lenguas KW - Lenguaje y cultura N1 - Incluye bibliografía e índice; Introductino / Claire Hitchins Chik, Maria M. Carreira, and Olga E. Kagan. -- Pte. 1ª: A Landscape of Heritage/Community Languages: Demographic Surveys / Gus Extra. -- Migration, Heritage Languages, and Changing Demographics in Australia / Finex Ndlovu and Luisa Willoughby. -- The Demographics of Heritage and Community in the United States / Terrence G. and Shereen Bhalla. -- Demographics and Heritage Languages in Latin America: An Overview / André Zampaulo. -- Demographics and Heritage Languages in Canada: Policies, Patterns, and Prospects / Patricia A. Duff and Ava Becker-Zayas. -- Pte. 2ª: Community Initiatives: After-School Programs. -- Crisis, Change, and Intitutionalization: Adopting a New Curriculum at Japanesee Weekend School / Robert M. Uriu and Masako O. Douglas. -- Sustainable Approaches to Complementary Education in England / Raymonde Sneddon. -- Innovations in the Teaching of Portuguese as a Heritage Language: The Case of Brazilian Complementary Schools in London and Barcelona / Ana Souza and Julia Gomes. -- Czech Heritage LAnguage Education in Communities in the United States and Europe / Marta McCabe. -- The Role Informal Heritage Language Learning in Program Building: Persian Community School Language Learners in Australia / Mojgan Mokhatebi and Robyn Moloney. -- Pte. 3ª: Community Initiatives: All-Day Pre-, Primary, and Secondary Schools. -- Opportunities and Challenges of Institutionalizing a Pluricentric Diasporic Language: THe Case of Armenian in Los Angeles / Shushan Karapetian. -- Education in the Cambodian Chinese Diaspora / Dana Scott Bourgerie. -- Innovation vs. Tradition in Language Education: A Case of Japanese Heritage Language Instruction in Chile / Seid Atoofi and Francisco Naranjo Escobar. -- Rationalitazion of the First Langauge First Model of Bilingual Development and Education: The Case of Russian as a Heritage Language in Israel / Mila Schwartz. -- Pte. 4ª: Language Minoroty Communities and the Public School System: Opportunities and Challenges. -- Multilingual Los Angeles: Do Inmmigrant Language Communities Make an Impact on Language Education in Public High School? / Olga E. Kagan. -- Overcoming the Obstacles: Vietnamese and Khumer Heritage Language Programs in California / Claire Hitchins Chik and Wayne E. Wright. -- Intitutionalitazation of French Heritage Languages Education in U.S. School Systems: The French Heritage Language Program / Fabrice Jaumont, Benoît Le Dévédec, and Jane F. Ross. -- Engagement, Multiliteracies, and Identity: Developing Pedagogies for Heritage/Community Language Learners within the UK School System / Jim Anderson. -- Pte. 5ª: Maintenance of Heritage/Community Langauges in Public Schools. The Impact of Goverment Policy and Sociopolitical Change. -- Reforming Australia Policy for Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, and Korean Heritage Laguages: Examples from the JApanese Community / Kaya Oriyama. -- Russian as a Heritage Langauge in Lithuania / Meilute Ramoniene, Ala Lichaciova, and Jelena Brazauskiene. -- Pasifika Heritage Language Education in New Zeland / Corinne A. Seals. -- Heritage Langauge Education in Norway and Sweden / Sunil Loona and Mats Wennerholm. -- "The Rigth to Mother-Tongue Education for Migrants in This City": Factors Influencing the Institutionalization of a Two-Way Bilingual Immersion Program in Berlin / Gabriela Meier and Birgit Schumacher. -- Pte. 6ª: Heritage/Community Languages in Higher Education. -- The State of Instituzionalitation of Heritage Langauges in Postsecondary Language Departments in the United States / Maria M. Carreira. -- "Arabic-as-Resource" or "Arabic-as-Problem"? Arab Heritage Language Learners in Danish Postsecondary Education / Helle Lykke Nielsen. -- Adoption, Implementation, and Institutionalitazion of Spanish Heritage Language Programs at Two U.S. Regional Comprenhensive Universities / Alegría Ribadeneira and Alejandro Lee. -- The Hindi-Urdu Heritage Language Stream: Institutional and Pedagogical Challenges / Shobna Nijhawam. -- Pte. 6ª: Heritage/Community Language Maintenance from a Lifespan Perspective: Formal and Informal Contexts. -- Chinese Heritage Language Learning: Negotiation Identities, Ideologies, and Instituonalization / Patricia A. Duff, Yongcan Liu, and Duanduan Li. -- Classroom and Community Support for Turkish in Germany / Carol W. Pfaff, Meral Dollnick, and Annette Herkenrath. -- Korena Language Education in Japan: From MArginalized Heritage Language to Popular Foreing Language / Robert J. Fouser. -- Innovation and Tradition in Yiddish Educational Programas / Netta Avineri and Anna Verschik ER -