Book wings : a virtual drama / Edited by Christopher Merrill and Ashley Davidson

Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Detalles de publicación: Iowa City, Estados Unidos : 91 st Meridian Books, 2015Descripción: 230 páginas ; 22 cmTema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 22 812.6 B724
Primera parte : 2012. -- Aeronautical and other poems / Inga Kuznetsova. -- Untitled / Linor Goralik. -- Travelogue / Dora Malech. -- Poem for Russia with a white plastic wolf and poem for americans / Matthew Zapruder. -- Nokia tune and other poems / Anna Russ. -- Three variations ona theme / Quan Barry. -- Instructions for a séance with vladimirs / Terrance Hayes. -- The meeting ay vologda. -- Segunda parte : Intimacy / Marina Krapivina. -- Letters / Nataliya Moshina. -- The dead parent club / Carlos Murillo. -- Planet X / Victoria Stewart. -- The vorski are near, but not enough. -- The dream house / Sherry Kramer. -- Tercera parte : 2014. -- We, the peoples / Ksenia Dragunskaya. -- Revolutionary porcelain / Maxim Osipov. -- Seven minutes in heaven / Robin Romm. -- Assembling a fluginflabinlung at a military black site / Anthony Marra. -- Lunch / Michelle Carter. -- Athree way dream / Herman Sadulaev. -- Appendix / Les Finken.
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Libros Sede Yerbabuena Colección General 812.6 B724 ej. 1 Disponible tmt16 500080326

Primera parte : 2012. -- Aeronautical and other poems / Inga Kuznetsova. -- Untitled / Linor Goralik. -- Travelogue / Dora Malech. -- Poem for Russia with a white plastic wolf and poem for americans / Matthew Zapruder. -- Nokia tune and other poems / Anna Russ. -- Three variations ona theme / Quan Barry. -- Instructions for a séance with vladimirs / Terrance Hayes. -- The meeting ay vologda. -- Segunda parte : Intimacy / Marina Krapivina. -- Letters / Nataliya Moshina. -- The dead parent club / Carlos Murillo. -- Planet X / Victoria Stewart. -- The vorski are near, but not enough. -- The dream house / Sherry Kramer. -- Tercera parte : 2014. -- We, the peoples / Ksenia Dragunskaya. -- Revolutionary porcelain / Maxim Osipov. -- Seven minutes in heaven / Robin Romm. -- Assembling a fluginflabinlung at a military black site / Anthony Marra. -- Lunch / Michelle Carter. -- Athree way dream / Herman Sadulaev. -- Appendix / Les Finken.



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