The fish people ; linguistic exogamy and tukanoan identity in northwest Amazonia / Jean E. Jackson

Por: Idioma: Inglés Series Cambridge studies in social anthropology ; 39Detalles de publicación: Cambridge, Mass. : Cambridge Universiy Press, 1983Descripción: 286 p. (xerocopia) : il. (incl. mapas) ; 27x21 cmTema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 980.61 J13f 21
Purpose and organization of the book. -- Introduction to the Central Northwest Amazon. -- The longhouse. -- Economic and political life. -- Vaupés social structure. -- Kinship. -- Marriage. -- Tukanoans and Makú. -- The role of language and speech in Tukanoan identity. -- Male and female identity. -- Tukanoans place in the cosmos. -- Tukanoans and the outside world. -- Conclusions: themes in Tukanoan social identity.
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Tipo de ítem Biblioteca actual Colección Signatura topográfica Copia número Estado Notas Fecha de vencimiento Código de barras
Libros Sede Yerbabuena Colección General 980.61 J13f ej. 1 Disponible tmt53 73267

Purpose and organization of the book. -- Introduction to the Central Northwest Amazon. -- The longhouse. -- Economic and political life. -- Vaupés social structure. -- Kinship. -- Marriage. -- Tukanoans and Makú. -- The role of language and speech in Tukanoan identity. -- Male and female identity. -- Tukanoans place in the cosmos. -- Tukanoans and the outside world. -- Conclusions: themes in Tukanoan social identity.

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Sede Casa Cuervo Urisarri:
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C/Alcalá, 49 Madrid

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Sede Yerbabuena:
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C/Alcalá, 49 Madrid