The making of the humanities Edited by Rens Bod, Jaap Maat and Thijs Weststeijn

Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Español Detalles de publicación: Amsterdam Amsterdam University Press 2010, 2014Descripción: 2 volúmenes (400, 715 páginas) ilustraciones 24 cmISBN:
  • 9789089642691 (Volumen 1)
  • 9789089645166 (Volumen 3)
Tema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 22 001.3 M235
Volume I: Early modern Europe. -- Introduction: Historiography of the Humanities / Rens Bod. -- The Humanities versus the Science. -- How Comparative Should a Comparative History of the Humanities Be? The Case of the Dutch Spinoza Circle / Michiel Leezenberg. -- Bridging the Gap. A Different View of Renaissance Humanism and Science / Cynthia M. Pyle. -- Music as Science and as Art. The Sixteenth/Seventeenth-Century Destruction of Cosmic Harmony / H. Floris Cohen. -- The Visual Arts as Liberal Arts. -- Representing the World / Ingrid Rowland. -- Ficino, Diacceto and Michelangelo’s Presentation Drawings / Marieke van den Doel. -- ‘Signs that Signify by Themselves’. Writing with Images in the Seventeenth Century / Thijs Weststeijn. -- Humanism and Heresy. -- Giordano Bruno and Metaphor / Hilary Gatti. -- ‘In Erudition There Is No Heresy’. The Humanities in Baroque Rome / Bernward Schmidt. -- Language and Poetics. -- Humanism in the Classroom, a Reassessment / Juliette A. Groenland. -- Origins and Principles. The History of Poetry in Early Modern Literary Criticism / Cesc Esteve. -- Transitional Texts and Emerging Linguistic Self-Awareness. Literary Study in the Late Eighteenth Century / P.M. Mehtonen. -- Linguists and Logicians. -- The Changing Relations between Grammar, Rhetoric and Music in the Early Modern Period / David Cram. -- The Artes Sermocinales in Times of Adversity. How Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric Survived the Seventeenth Century / Jaap Maat. -- Philology and Philosophy. -- Manuscript Hunting and the Challenge of Textual Variance in Late Seventeenth-Century Icelandic Studies / Már Jónsson. -- Spinoza in the History of Biblical Scholarship / Piet Steenbakkers. -- The ‘Rules of Critique’. Richard Simon and Antoine Arnauld / Martine Pécharman. -- The History of History. -- Framing a New Mode of Historical Experience. The Renaissance Historiography of Machiavelli and Guicciardini / Jacques Bos. -- Philosophy’s Shadow. Jacob Brucker and the History of Thought / Wouter J. Hanegraaff. -- Volume III: Introduction: The Making of the Modern Humanities / Rens Bod, Jaap Maat, and Thijs Weststeijn. -- The Humanities and the Sciences. -- Objectivity and Impartiality: Epistemic Virtues in the Humanities / Lorraine Daston. --The Natural Sciences and the Humanities in the Seventeenth Century: Not Separate Yet Unequal? / H. Floris Cohen. -- The Interaction between Sciences and Humanities in NineteenthCentury Scientific Materialism: A Case Study on Jacob Moleschott’s Popularizing Work and Political Activity / Laura Meneghello. -- The Best Story of the World: Theology, Geology, and Philip Henry Gosse’s Omphalos / Virginia Richter. -- The Science of Language. -- The Wolf in Itself: The Uses of Enchantment in the Development of Modern Linguistics / John E. Joseph. -- Soviet Orientalism and Subaltern Linguistics: The Rise and Fall of Marr’s Japhetic Theory / Michiel Leezenberg. --Root and Recursive Patterns in the Czuczor-Fogarasi Dictionary of the Hungarian Language / László Marácz. -- Writing History. -- A Domestic Culture: The Mise-en-scène of Modern Historiography / Jo Tollebeek. -- History Made More Scholarly and Also More Popular: A Nineteenth-Century Paradox / Marita Mathijsen. -- The Professionalization of the Historical Discipline: Austrian Scholarly Periodicals, 1840-1900 / Christine Ottner. -- Manuals on Historical Method: A Genre of Polemical Reflection on the Aims of Science / Herman Paul. -- The Peculiar Maturation of the History of Science / Bart Karstens. --Classical Studies and Philology. – Quellenforschung / Glenn W. Most. -- History of Religions in the Making: Franz Cumont (1868-1947) and the ‘Oriental Religions’ / Eline Scheerlinck. -- ‘Big Science’ in Classics in the Nineteenth Century and the Academicization of Antiquity / Annette M. Baertschi. -- New Philology and Ancient Editors: Some Dynamics of Textual Criticism / Jacqueline Klooster. -- What Books Are Made of: Scholarship and Intertextuality in the History of the Humanities / Floris Solleveld. -- Literary and Theater Studies. -- Furio Jesi and the Culture of the Right / Ingrid D. Rowland. -- Scientification and Popularization in the Historiography of World Literature, 1850-1950: A Dutch Case Study / Ton van Kalmthout. -- Theater Studies from the Early Twentieth Century to Contemporary Debates: The Scientific Status of InterdisciplinaryOriented Research / Chiara Maria Buglioni. -- Art History and Archeology. -- Embracing World Art: Art History’s Universal History and the Making of Image Studies / Birgit Mersmann. -- Generic Classification and Habitual Subject Matter / Adi Efal. -- The Recognition of Cave Art in the Iberian Peninsula and the Making of Prehistoric Archeology, 1878-1929 / José María Lanzarote-Guiral. -- Musicology and Aesthetics. -- Between Sciences and Humanities: Aesthetics and the EighteenthCentury ‘Science of Man’ / Maria Semi. -- Melting Musics, Fusing Sounds: Stumpf, Hornbostel, and Comparative Musicology in Berlin / Riccardo Martinelli. -- The History of Musical Iconography and the Influence of Art History: Pictures as Sources and Interpreters of Musical History / Alexis Ruccius. -- East and West. -- The Making of Oriental Studies: Its Transnational and Transatlantic Past / Steffi Marung and Katja Naumann. -- The Emergence of East Asian Art History in the 1920s: Karl With (1891-1980) and the Problem of Gandhara / Julia Orell. -- Cross-Cultural Epistemology: How European Sinology Became the Bridge to China’s Modern Humanities / Perry Johansson. -- Information Science and Digital Humanities. -- Historical Roots of Information Sciences and the Making of E-Humanities. -- Charles van den Heuvel. -- Toward a Humanities of the Digital? Reading Search Engines as a Concordance / Johanna Sprondel. -- A Database, Nationalist Scholarship, and Materialist Epistemology in Netherlandish Philology: The Bibliotheca Neerlandica Manuscripta from Paper to OPAC, 1895-1995 / Jan Rock. -- Clio’s Talkative Daughter Goes Digital: The Interplay between Technology and Oral Accounts as Historical Data / Stef Scagliola and Franciska de Jong. -- Humanities’ New Methods: A Reconnaissance Mission / Jan-Willem Romeijn. -- Philosophy and the Humanities. -- Making the Humanities Scientific: Brentano’s Project of Philosophy as Science / Carlo Ierna. -- The Weimar Origins of Political Theory: A Humanities Interdiscipline / David L. Marshall. -- The Humanities and the Social Sciences. -- Explaining Verstehen: Max Weber’s Views on Explanation in the Humanities / Jeroen Bouterse. -- Discovering Sexuality: The Status of Literature as Evidence / Robert Deam Tobin. -- The Role of Technomorphic and Sociomorphic Imagery in the Long Struggle for a Humanistic Sociology / Marinus Ossewaarde. -- Sociology and the Proliferation of Knowledge: La Condition Humaine / Bram Kempers. -- Inhumanity in the Humanities: On a Rare Consensus in the Human Sciences / Abram de Swaan. -- The Humanities in Society. -- The Making and Persisting of Modern German Humanities: Balancing Acts between Autonomy and Social Relevance / Vincent Gengnagel and Julian Hamann. -- Critique and Theory in the History of the Modern Humanities / Paul Jay. -- Epilogue Toward a History of Western Knowledges: Sketching Together the Histories of the Humanities and the Natural Sciences / John V. Pickstone.
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Volume I: Early modern Europe. -- Introduction: Historiography of the Humanities / Rens Bod. -- The Humanities versus the Science. -- How Comparative Should a Comparative History of the Humanities Be? The Case of the Dutch Spinoza Circle / Michiel Leezenberg. -- Bridging the Gap. A Different View of Renaissance Humanism and Science / Cynthia M. Pyle. -- Music as Science and as Art. The Sixteenth/Seventeenth-Century Destruction of Cosmic Harmony / H. Floris Cohen. -- The Visual Arts as Liberal Arts. -- Representing the World / Ingrid Rowland. -- Ficino, Diacceto and Michelangelo’s Presentation Drawings / Marieke van den Doel. -- ‘Signs that Signify by Themselves’. Writing with Images in the Seventeenth Century / Thijs Weststeijn. -- Humanism and Heresy. -- Giordano Bruno and Metaphor / Hilary Gatti. -- ‘In Erudition There Is No Heresy’. The Humanities in Baroque Rome / Bernward Schmidt. -- Language and Poetics. -- Humanism in the Classroom, a Reassessment / Juliette A. Groenland. -- Origins and Principles. The History of Poetry in Early Modern Literary Criticism / Cesc Esteve. -- Transitional Texts and Emerging Linguistic Self-Awareness. Literary Study in the Late Eighteenth Century / P.M. Mehtonen. -- Linguists and Logicians. -- The Changing Relations between Grammar, Rhetoric and Music in the Early Modern Period / David Cram. -- The Artes Sermocinales in Times of Adversity. How Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric Survived the Seventeenth Century / Jaap Maat. -- Philology and Philosophy. -- Manuscript Hunting and the Challenge of Textual Variance in Late Seventeenth-Century Icelandic Studies / Már Jónsson. -- Spinoza in the History of Biblical Scholarship / Piet Steenbakkers. -- The ‘Rules of Critique’. Richard Simon and Antoine Arnauld / Martine Pécharman. -- The History of History. -- Framing a New Mode of Historical Experience. The Renaissance Historiography of Machiavelli and Guicciardini / Jacques Bos. -- Philosophy’s Shadow. Jacob Brucker and the History of Thought / Wouter J. Hanegraaff. -- Volume III: Introduction: The Making of the Modern Humanities / Rens Bod, Jaap Maat, and Thijs Weststeijn. -- The Humanities and the Sciences. -- Objectivity and Impartiality: Epistemic Virtues in the Humanities / Lorraine Daston. --The Natural Sciences and the Humanities in the Seventeenth Century: Not Separate Yet Unequal? / H. Floris Cohen. -- The Interaction between Sciences and Humanities in NineteenthCentury Scientific Materialism: A Case Study on Jacob Moleschott’s Popularizing Work and Political Activity / Laura Meneghello. -- The Best Story of the World: Theology, Geology, and Philip Henry Gosse’s Omphalos / Virginia Richter. -- The Science of Language. -- The Wolf in Itself: The Uses of Enchantment in the Development of Modern Linguistics / John E. Joseph. -- Soviet Orientalism and Subaltern Linguistics: The Rise and Fall of Marr’s Japhetic Theory / Michiel Leezenberg. --Root and Recursive Patterns in the Czuczor-Fogarasi Dictionary of the Hungarian Language / László Marácz. -- Writing History. -- A Domestic Culture: The Mise-en-scène of Modern Historiography / Jo Tollebeek. -- History Made More Scholarly and Also More Popular: A Nineteenth-Century Paradox / Marita Mathijsen. -- The Professionalization of the Historical Discipline: Austrian Scholarly Periodicals, 1840-1900 / Christine Ottner. -- Manuals on Historical Method: A Genre of Polemical Reflection on the Aims of Science / Herman Paul. -- The Peculiar Maturation of the History of Science / Bart Karstens. --Classical Studies and Philology. – Quellenforschung / Glenn W. Most. -- History of Religions in the Making: Franz Cumont (1868-1947) and the ‘Oriental Religions’ / Eline Scheerlinck. -- ‘Big Science’ in Classics in the Nineteenth Century and the Academicization of Antiquity / Annette M. Baertschi. -- New Philology and Ancient Editors: Some Dynamics of Textual Criticism / Jacqueline Klooster. -- What Books Are Made of: Scholarship and Intertextuality in the History of the Humanities / Floris Solleveld. -- Literary and Theater Studies. -- Furio Jesi and the Culture of the Right / Ingrid D. Rowland. -- Scientification and Popularization in the Historiography of World Literature, 1850-1950: A Dutch Case Study / Ton van Kalmthout. -- Theater Studies from the Early Twentieth Century to Contemporary Debates: The Scientific Status of InterdisciplinaryOriented Research / Chiara Maria Buglioni. -- Art History and Archeology. -- Embracing World Art: Art History’s Universal History and the Making of Image Studies / Birgit Mersmann. -- Generic Classification and Habitual Subject Matter / Adi Efal. -- The Recognition of Cave Art in the Iberian Peninsula and the Making of Prehistoric Archeology, 1878-1929 / José María Lanzarote-Guiral. -- Musicology and Aesthetics. -- Between Sciences and Humanities: Aesthetics and the EighteenthCentury ‘Science of Man’ / Maria Semi. -- Melting Musics, Fusing Sounds: Stumpf, Hornbostel, and Comparative Musicology in Berlin / Riccardo Martinelli. -- The History of Musical Iconography and the Influence of Art History: Pictures as Sources and Interpreters of Musical History / Alexis Ruccius. -- East and West. -- The Making of Oriental Studies: Its Transnational and Transatlantic Past / Steffi Marung and Katja Naumann. -- The Emergence of East Asian Art History in the 1920s: Karl With (1891-1980) and the Problem of Gandhara / Julia Orell. -- Cross-Cultural Epistemology: How European Sinology Became the Bridge to China’s Modern Humanities / Perry Johansson. -- Information Science and Digital Humanities. -- Historical Roots of Information Sciences and the Making of E-Humanities. -- Charles van den Heuvel. -- Toward a Humanities of the Digital? Reading Search Engines as a Concordance / Johanna Sprondel. -- A Database, Nationalist Scholarship, and Materialist Epistemology in Netherlandish Philology: The Bibliotheca Neerlandica Manuscripta from Paper to OPAC, 1895-1995 / Jan Rock. -- Clio’s Talkative Daughter Goes Digital: The Interplay between Technology and Oral Accounts as Historical Data / Stef Scagliola and Franciska de Jong. -- Humanities’ New Methods: A Reconnaissance Mission / Jan-Willem Romeijn. -- Philosophy and the Humanities. -- Making the Humanities Scientific: Brentano’s Project of Philosophy as Science / Carlo Ierna. -- The Weimar Origins of Political Theory: A Humanities Interdiscipline / David L. Marshall. -- The Humanities and the Social Sciences. -- Explaining Verstehen: Max Weber’s Views on Explanation in the Humanities / Jeroen Bouterse. -- Discovering Sexuality: The Status of Literature as Evidence / Robert Deam Tobin. -- The Role of Technomorphic and Sociomorphic Imagery in the Long Struggle for a Humanistic Sociology / Marinus Ossewaarde. -- Sociology and the Proliferation of Knowledge: La Condition Humaine / Bram Kempers. -- Inhumanity in the Humanities: On a Rare Consensus in the Human Sciences / Abram de Swaan. -- The Humanities in Society. -- The Making and Persisting of Modern German Humanities: Balancing Acts between Autonomy and Social Relevance / Vincent Gengnagel and Julian Hamann. -- Critique and Theory in the History of the Modern Humanities / Paul Jay. -- Epilogue Toward a History of Western Knowledges: Sketching Together the Histories of the Humanities and the Natural Sciences / John V. Pickstone.

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