New perspectives on the origins of language Edited by Claire Lefebvre, Bernard Comrie, Henri Cohen

Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Series Studies in language companion series ; 144Detalles de publicación: Amsterdam John Benjamins 2013Descripción: vi, 289 páginas ilustraciones 24 cmISBN:
  • 9789027206114
  • 9027271136
Tema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 417.7 N532 22
Preface. – Introduction. -- Part 1. General perspectives and issues on language origins. -- Historical, Darwinian, and current perspectives on the origin(s) of language / Henri Cohen. -- The origin of language as seen by eighteenth-century philosophy / Sylvian Auroux. -- Cognitive and social aspects of language origins / Alan Barnard. -- Part 2. At the roots of language. -- Reconstructed fossil vocal tracts and the production of speech: Phylogenetic and ontogenetic considerations / Jean-Louis Boë, Jean Granat, Jean-Louis Heim, Pierre Badin, Guillaume Barbier, Guillaume Captier, Antoine Serrurier, Pascal Perrier, Nicolas Kielwasser and Jean-Luc Schwartz. -- Paleoanthropology and language / Ian Tattersall. -- Material culture and language / Benoît Dubreuil and Christopher S. Henshilwood. -- Gestural theory of the origins of language / Michael C. Corballis. -- Part 3. Communication and language origins. – Primate communication / Klaus Zuberbühler. -- FoxP2 and vocalization / Stephanie White. -- Brain lateralization and the emergence of language / Nathalie Tzourio-Mazoyer and Cyril Courtin. -- Sensorimotor constraints and the organization of sound patterns / Lucie Ménard. -- Symbol grounding and the origin of language: From show to tell / Alexandre Blondin Massé, Stevan Harnad, Olivier Picard and Bernard St-Louis. -- Part 4. Linguistic views on language origins. -- Sound patterns and conceptual content of the first words / Peter F. MacNeilage. -- Brave new words / Pierre J. Bancel and Alain Matthey de l'Etang. -- On the origin of Grammar / Bernd Heine, Gunther Kaltenböck and Tania Kuteva. -- Arbitrary signs and the emergence of language / Denis Bouchard. -- On the relevance of pidgins and creoles in the debate on the origins of language / Claire Lefebvre. -- Part 5. Computational modeling of language origins. -- Modeling cultural evolution: Language acquisition as multiple-cue integration / Morten H. Christiansen. -- How language emerges in situated embodied interactions / Luc Steels. -- Emergence of communication and language in evolving robots / Stefano Nolfi. -- Evolving a bridge from praxis to language / Michael A. Arbib.
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Preface. – Introduction. -- Part 1. General perspectives and issues on language origins. -- Historical, Darwinian, and current perspectives on the origin(s) of language / Henri Cohen. -- The origin of language as seen by eighteenth-century philosophy / Sylvian Auroux. -- Cognitive and social aspects of language origins / Alan Barnard. -- Part 2. At the roots of language. -- Reconstructed fossil vocal tracts and the production of speech: Phylogenetic and ontogenetic considerations / Jean-Louis Boë, Jean Granat, Jean-Louis Heim, Pierre Badin, Guillaume Barbier, Guillaume Captier, Antoine Serrurier, Pascal Perrier, Nicolas Kielwasser and Jean-Luc Schwartz. -- Paleoanthropology and language / Ian Tattersall. -- Material culture and language / Benoît Dubreuil and Christopher S. Henshilwood. -- Gestural theory of the origins of language / Michael C. Corballis. -- Part 3. Communication and language origins. – Primate communication / Klaus Zuberbühler. -- FoxP2 and vocalization / Stephanie White. -- Brain lateralization and the emergence of language / Nathalie Tzourio-Mazoyer and Cyril Courtin. -- Sensorimotor constraints and the organization of sound patterns / Lucie Ménard. -- Symbol grounding and the origin of language: From show to tell / Alexandre Blondin Massé, Stevan Harnad, Olivier Picard and Bernard St-Louis. -- Part 4. Linguistic views on language origins. -- Sound patterns and conceptual content of the first words / Peter F. MacNeilage. -- Brave new words / Pierre J. Bancel and Alain Matthey de l'Etang. -- On the origin of Grammar / Bernd Heine, Gunther Kaltenböck and Tania Kuteva. -- Arbitrary signs and the emergence of language / Denis Bouchard. -- On the relevance of pidgins and creoles in the debate on the origins of language / Claire Lefebvre. -- Part 5. Computational modeling of language origins. -- Modeling cultural evolution: Language acquisition as multiple-cue integration / Morten H. Christiansen. -- How language emerges in situated embodied interactions / Luc Steels. -- Emergence of communication and language in evolving robots / Stefano Nolfi. -- Evolving a bridge from praxis to language / Michael A. Arbib.

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