Multilingual FrameNets in computational lexicography : methods and applications edited by Hans C. Boas

Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Series Trends in linguistics. Studies and monographs ; 200Detalles de publicación: New York, NY Mouton de Gruyter c2009Descripción: x, 350 p. il. 24 cmISBN:
  • 9783110212969 (hardcover : alk. paper)
  • 18614302
Tema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 413.0285 M961 21
Introduction: Recent trends in multilingual computational lexicography / Hans C. Boas -- PART I. PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTING MULTILINGUAL FRAMENETS: 1. A bilingual lexical database for Frame Semantics / Thierry Fontenelle -- 2. Semantic frames as interlingual representations for multilingual lexical databases / Hans C. Boas -- 3. The Kicktionary - A multilingual lexical resource of football language / Thomas Schmidt -- PART II. FRAMENETS FOR TYPOLOGICALLY DIVERSE LANGUAGES: 4. Spanish FrameNet: A frame-semantic analysis of the Spanish lexicon / Carlos Subirats -- 5. Frame-based contrastive lexical semantics in Japanese FrameNet: The case of risk and kakeru / Kyoko Hirose Ohara -- 6. Typological considerations in constructing a Hebrew FrameNet / Miriam Petruck -- PART III. METHODS FOR AUTOMATICALLY CREATING NEW FRAMENETS: 7. Using FrameNet for the semantic analysis of German: annotation, representation, and automation / Aljoscha Burchardt, Katrin Erk, Anette Frank, Andrea Kowalski, Sebastian Pado, and Manfred Pinkal -- 8. Cross-lingual labeling of semantic predicates and roles: A low-resource method based on bilingual L(atent) S(emantic) A(nalysis) / Guillaume Pitel -- PART IV. INTEGRATING SEMANTIC INFORMATION FROM OTHER RESOURCES: 9. Interlingual annotation of multilingual text corpora and FrameNet / David Farwell, Bonnie Dorr, Nizar Habash, Stephen Helmreich, Eduard Hovy, Rebecca Green, Lori Levin, Keith Miller, Teruko Mitamura, Owen Rambow, Flo Reeder, Advaith Siddharthan -- 10. Universals and idiosyncrasies in multilingual WordNets / Piek Vossen and Christiane Fellbaum.
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Libros Sede Centro Colección General 413.0285 M961 2009 ej. 1 En catalogación tmt10 116112

Incluye referencias bibliográficas e índice (p.342-350)

Introduction: Recent trends in multilingual computational lexicography / Hans C. Boas -- PART I. PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTING MULTILINGUAL FRAMENETS: 1. A bilingual lexical database for Frame Semantics / Thierry Fontenelle -- 2. Semantic frames as interlingual representations for multilingual lexical databases / Hans C. Boas -- 3. The Kicktionary - A multilingual lexical resource of football language / Thomas Schmidt -- PART II. FRAMENETS FOR TYPOLOGICALLY DIVERSE LANGUAGES: 4. Spanish FrameNet: A frame-semantic analysis of the Spanish lexicon / Carlos Subirats -- 5. Frame-based contrastive lexical semantics in Japanese FrameNet: The case of risk and kakeru / Kyoko Hirose Ohara -- 6. Typological considerations in constructing a Hebrew FrameNet / Miriam Petruck -- PART III. METHODS FOR AUTOMATICALLY CREATING NEW FRAMENETS: 7. Using FrameNet for the semantic analysis of German: annotation, representation, and automation / Aljoscha Burchardt, Katrin Erk, Anette Frank, Andrea Kowalski, Sebastian Pado, and Manfred Pinkal -- 8. Cross-lingual labeling of semantic predicates and roles: A low-resource method based on bilingual L(atent) S(emantic) A(nalysis) / Guillaume Pitel -- PART IV. INTEGRATING SEMANTIC INFORMATION FROM OTHER RESOURCES: 9. Interlingual annotation of multilingual text corpora and FrameNet / David Farwell, Bonnie Dorr, Nizar Habash, Stephen Helmreich, Eduard Hovy, Rebecca Green, Lori Levin, Keith Miller, Teruko Mitamura, Owen Rambow, Flo Reeder, Advaith Siddharthan -- 10. Universals and idiosyncrasies in multilingual WordNets / Piek Vossen and Christiane Fellbaum.


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