Learner contributions to language age learning : new directions in research / Edited by Michael P. Breen

Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Series Applied Linguistics and Language StudyDetalles de publicación: Essex, Reino Unido : Pearson, 2001Descripción: xxii, 218 páginas ; 24 cmISBN:
  • 0582404754
Tema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 22 418.0071 L438
Introduction: Conceptualizing, affect, and action in context. -- Individual cognitive / affective learner contributions and differential success in second langauge acquisition / Diane Larsen-Freeman. -- The role of learning strategies in second langauge acquisiton / Anna Uhl Chamot. -- Metacognitive knowldge in SLA: the neglected varaible / Anita L. Wenden. -- The metaphorical constructions of second langauge learners / Rod Ellis. -- 'The bleached bones of a story': learners' constructions of langauge teachers / Rebecca L. Oxford. -- Overt participation and covert acquisition in the language classroom / Michael P. Breen. -- (S)econd (L)anguage (A)ctivity theory: understanding second language learners as people / James P. Lantolf and Aneta Pavlenko. -- Non-participation, imagined communities and the language classroom / Bonny Norton. -- Postscript: New directions for researhc on learner contributions.
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Introduction: Conceptualizing, affect, and action in context. -- Individual cognitive / affective learner contributions and differential success in second langauge acquisition / Diane Larsen-Freeman. -- The role of learning strategies in second langauge acquisiton / Anna Uhl Chamot. -- Metacognitive knowldge in SLA: the neglected varaible / Anita L. Wenden. -- The metaphorical constructions of second langauge learners / Rod Ellis. -- 'The bleached bones of a story': learners' constructions of langauge teachers / Rebecca L. Oxford. -- Overt participation and covert acquisition in the language classroom / Michael P. Breen. -- (S)econd (L)anguage (A)ctivity theory: understanding second language learners as people / James P. Lantolf and Aneta Pavlenko. -- Non-participation, imagined communities and the language classroom / Bonny Norton. -- Postscript: New directions for researhc on learner contributions.

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