Public history : a textbook of practice / Thomas Cauvin.
Tipo de material:
- 9780765645906
- 9780765645913
- 907.2 C375p 23
Tipo de ítem | Biblioteca actual | Colección | Signatura topográfica | Copia número | Estado | Notas | Fecha de vencimiento | Código de barras | |
Libros | Sede Yerbabuena | Colección General | 907.2 C375p | ej. 1 | Disponible | tmt53 | 500079720 |
Incluye índice.
Introduction: historians' public roles and practices. -- The role of historian: a short history. -- A textbook of practice. -- Primera parte: Collecting, managing, and preserving the past: public history and sources. -- Collection management: archives, manuscripts, and museum. -- Archives, manuscripts, and museum collections. -- Introduction to collection management. -- Challenges in archival collection management. -- The specific management of museum collections. -- What can public historians bring to collection management?. -- Historic preservation. -- Preserving the past: definitions, purposes, and debates. -- Finding and describing historical resources. -- Evaluation of sites and structures: preliminary preservation research. -- Designing a nomination for history preservation. -- Protection and preservation technology: standards, styles, and materials. -- Historic districts, revitalization, and cultural repair. -- Colelction and preseerving people's stories: oral history, family history, and everyday life. -- Oral history practices. -- Family, community, and everyday life: sources for public historians. -- People's history and personal experiences: assets and challenges for public historians. -- Segunda parte: Making public history: media and practice. -- Interpretation in public history. -- History and fiction. -- Copyrights, protection, and fundraising. -- Public history writing. -- Academic, popular and public history writing styles. -- Adopting a public style: writing for large non-specialist audiences. -- Fiction and historical novels. -- Children's literature, comics, and graphic novels. -- Digital public history writing. -- Editing historical texts. -- Introduction to documentary editing: definition, purposes, and debates. -- Step-by-step historical editing process. -- Interpreting and exhiting the past. -- Sites and purposes of interpretation. -- Project development and interpretative planning. -- Exhibit design: space, objects, and visitors. -- Interpretive texts. -- Curating public space: art and public history. -- Radio and audio-visual production. -- History on air: radio and sound archives. -- Film and documentary: introduction to history on screen. -- Making history on screen. -- History on screen as public and participatory history?. -- Digital public history. -- The rise of digital practices. -- Digital public history and user-generated contents. -- Tercera parte: Collaboration and uses of the past. -- Teaching public history: creating and sustaining universiy programs. -- Creating public history programs. -- How to create an appropriate public history program?. -- Teaching theory and practice. -- Shared authority: purposes, challenges, and limits. -- Public history and shared authority. -- Historians and emotions. -- Celebration of the past: hitorians and pride. -- The limits to shared authority. -- Civic egagement and social justice: historians as activist. -- From civic engagement to social justice. -- Public history as a source of social empowerment for underrrepresented groups. -- Public hsitorians and everyday suffering. -- History for peace: human rights, apologies, and reconciliation. -- Historians as consultants and edvisors: clients, courtroom, and public policy. -- Public policy. -- Public historians under contract. -- Historians in the legal process. -- Federal and government historians, public policy, and policymaking.
Geografía e historia