Advances in biolinguistic the human language faculty and its biological basis Edited by Koji Fujita and Cedric Boeckx

Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Español Detalles de publicación: Londres Routledge 2016ISBN:
  • 9781315709529
Tema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 22 401 AD244
Introduction. -- The biolinguistic program: a new beginning / By Koji Fujita, Cedric Boeckx. -- Computational issues. -- Feature-equilibria in syntax / By Hiroki Narita, Naoki Fukui. -- On the primitive operations of syntax / By Takaomi Kato, Hiroki Narita, Hironobu Kasai, Mihoko Zushi, Naoki Fukui. -- Case and predicate-argument relations / By Mihoko Zushi. -- Development, processing and variations. -- Structure dependence in child English. -- New evidence / By Koji Sugisaki. -- Make a good prediction or get ready for a locality penalty. -- Maybe it’s coming late / By Hajime Ono, Kentaro Nakatani, Noriaki Yusa. -- Some things to learn from the intersection between language and working memory / By Gonzalo Castillo. -- Eliminating parameters from the narrow syntax. -- Rule ordering variation by third-factor underspecification / By Miki Obata, Samuel Epstein. -- Part Part III: Conceptual and methodological foundations. -- On certain fallacies in evolutionary linguistics and how one can eliminate them / By Koji Fujita. -- Biological pluralism in service of biolinguistics* / By Pedro Tiago Martins, Evelina Leivada, Antonio Benítez-Burraco, Cedric Boeckx. -- On the current status of biolinguistics as a biological science* / ByMasanobu Ueda. -- Evolutionary considerations. -- Proposing the hypothesis of an earlier emergence of the human language faculty / By Masayuki Ike-uchi. -- Two aspects of syntactic evolution / By Michio Hosaka. -- Topics in neurobiology. -- Syntax in the brain / By Noriaki Yusa. -- The central role of the thalamus in language and cognition / By Constantina Theofanopoulou, Cedric Boeckx. -- A biolinguistic approach to language disorders. --Towards a paradigm shift in clinical linguistics / By Antonio Benítez-Burraco
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Introduction. -- The biolinguistic program: a new beginning / By Koji Fujita, Cedric Boeckx. -- Computational issues. -- Feature-equilibria in syntax / By Hiroki Narita, Naoki Fukui. -- On the primitive operations of syntax / By Takaomi Kato, Hiroki Narita, Hironobu Kasai, Mihoko Zushi, Naoki Fukui. -- Case and predicate-argument relations / By Mihoko Zushi. -- Development, processing and variations. -- Structure dependence in child English. -- New evidence / By Koji Sugisaki. -- Make a good prediction or get ready for a locality penalty. -- Maybe it’s coming late / By Hajime Ono, Kentaro Nakatani, Noriaki Yusa. -- Some things to learn from the intersection between language and working memory / By Gonzalo Castillo. -- Eliminating parameters from the narrow syntax. -- Rule ordering variation by third-factor underspecification / By Miki Obata, Samuel Epstein. -- Part Part III: Conceptual and methodological foundations. -- On certain fallacies in evolutionary linguistics and how one can eliminate them / By Koji Fujita. -- Biological pluralism in service of biolinguistics* / By Pedro Tiago Martins, Evelina Leivada, Antonio Benítez-Burraco, Cedric Boeckx. -- On the current status of biolinguistics as a biological science* / ByMasanobu Ueda. -- Evolutionary considerations. -- Proposing the hypothesis of an earlier emergence of the human language faculty / By Masayuki Ike-uchi. -- Two aspects of syntactic evolution / By Michio Hosaka. -- Topics in neurobiology. -- Syntax in the brain / By Noriaki Yusa. -- The central role of the thalamus in language and cognition / By Constantina Theofanopoulou, Cedric Boeckx. -- A biolinguistic approach to language disorders. --Towards a paradigm shift in clinical linguistics / By Antonio Benítez-Burraco

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