Ultimate attainment in second language acquisition : a case study / Donna Lardiere
Tipo de material:
- 9781138839939
- 21 418.0071 L321u
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Libros | Sede Centro | Colección General | 418.0071 L321u | ej. 1 | Disponible | tmt10 | 500079162 |
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Some preliminary issues in adult L2 ultimate attainment. -- Sorting through some terminology. -- What can a 'fossilized' end-state grammar tell us about the language faculty?. -- Why a case study?. -- Why study Patty?. -- A note on the data. -- A note on the role of linguistics theory in this study. -- Goals and outline. -- Introducing patty. -- Some backgroung information about Patty. -- On the role of motivational and affective factors. -- Knowledge of finiteness. -- Difining Finiteness. -- Considering the input: kinds of evidence for finiteness. -- Knowledge of finiteness in SLA. -- Finiteness in a end-state L2 grammar: patty. -- The acquisition of past tense. -- What does Patty typically mark for past tense?. -- Some possible factors affecting past-tense marking. -- So what in [±past] in english, anyway, and what does past-tense marking mark?. -- Alternative kinds of L1 influence in acquiring past-tense marking incorrect past-tense marking. -- Conclusion. -- Clausal word order and movement. -- Verb raising. -- Wh-movement. -- Relative clauses. -- Passives. -- Nominal phrases. -- Possession in DPs. -- Plural marking. -- Aticle usage. -- An interaction of DP features: definiteness and number. -- Conclusions. -- Overview of the data from patty. -- The role of the L1 in aacounting for divergenet L2 outcomes. -- Variability and sensivity to input in adukt language acquisition. -- A different goal?.
Lenguaje y lenguas