Speech and voice : with X-Rays of English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Soprano, Tenor and Baritone Subjects / G. Oscar Russell

Por: Idioma: Inglés Detalles de publicación: New York (USA) : The Macmillan Company, 1931Descripción: 250 p. front. (il.), il., il dobls. 22 cmTema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 414 R963s
Part One: Scientific aspects. Introduction; These X-Ray experiments; Preliminary explanation; Explanation of some terms; Hearing; Cavities; Our new surface effect theory. -- Part Two: Practical aspects. Why constriction against hard or soft surfaces changes vowells; Front vowels - Some light thrown on Vowel theories and schemes; Cause of quality heard in front Vowels; Evidence involved in artificial front Vowels; Some unanswered questions raised by a study of front Vowels; Back vowels a to U. -- Part Three: Hints on use of x-rays. X-rays pictures as alds to the deaf; The singing and speaking voice; Music and physics aspect of voice quality; Mechanism and the speech actuator the lungs; Brating; The source of the voice; Speech cavities - Anatomical orientations; The Adam's apple or larynx - Human broadcasting studio; The epiglottis and tonal quality; The trachea and chest resonance; Larynx muscles - Estrinsic; Interior voice-producing organ; Glottal lips - Human broadcasting sound generator; The false vocal cord and tonal quality - A surface, not resonator modulation; What shall students of voice be taught? any physiological habitats?
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Tipo de ítem Biblioteca actual Colección Signatura topográfica Copia número Estado Notas Fecha de vencimiento Código de barras
Libros Sede Yerbabuena Colección General 414 R963s ej. 1 Disponible tmt10 90013
Libros Sede Yerbabuena Colección General 414 R963s ej. 2 Disponible tmt10 500077839

Part One: Scientific aspects. Introduction; These X-Ray experiments; Preliminary explanation; Explanation of some terms; Hearing; Cavities; Our new surface effect theory. -- Part Two: Practical aspects. Why constriction against hard or soft surfaces changes vowells; Front vowels - Some light thrown on Vowel theories and schemes; Cause of quality heard in front Vowels; Evidence involved in artificial front Vowels; Some unanswered questions raised by a study of front Vowels; Back vowels a to U. -- Part Three: Hints on use of x-rays. X-rays pictures as alds to the deaf; The singing and speaking voice; Music and physics aspect of voice quality; Mechanism and the speech actuator the lungs; Brating; The source of the voice; Speech cavities - Anatomical orientations; The Adam's apple or larynx - Human broadcasting studio; The epiglottis and tonal quality; The trachea and chest resonance; Larynx muscles - Estrinsic; Interior voice-producing organ; Glottal lips - Human broadcasting sound generator; The false vocal cord and tonal quality - A surface, not resonator modulation; What shall students of voice be taught? any physiological habitats?

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Sede Yerbabuena:
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