The late age of print everyday book culture from consumerism to control Ted Striphas

Por: Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Detalles de publicación: New York Columbia University Press 2011Descripción: xxvi, 242 páginas ilustraciones 23 cmISBN:
  • 9780231148153
Tema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 381.45002 ST918 22
Introduction : The late age of print : Bottom lines ; Edges ; Sites -- E-books and the digital future : A book by any other name ; shelf life ; Book sneaks ; Disappearing digits ; A different story to tell -- The big-box bookstore blues : Chain reactions? ; Thoroughly modern bookselling ; Things to do with big-box bookstores ; History's fold -- Bringing bookland online : "The tragedy of the book industry" ; Encoding/decoding: sort of ; A political economy of commodity codes ; The remarkable unremarkable -- Literature as life on Oprah's book club : O® ; "No dictionary required" ; "It's more about life" ; A million little corrections ; An intractable alchemy -- Harry Potter and the culture of the copy : Securing Harry Potter ; Pirating Potter ; He-who-must-be-named -- Conclusion : From consumerism to control : On the verge ; From heyday to history and beyond
Resumen: Aquí, el autor evalúa nuestra cultura moderna del libro enfocándose en cinco elementos clave, incluida la explosión de librerías minoristas como Barnes & Noble and Borders, y la formación del Oprah Book Club
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Introduction : The late age of print : Bottom lines ; Edges ; Sites -- E-books and the digital future : A book by any other name ; shelf life ; Book sneaks ; Disappearing digits ; A different story to tell -- The big-box bookstore blues : Chain reactions? ; Thoroughly modern bookselling ; Things to do with big-box bookstores ; History's fold -- Bringing bookland online : "The tragedy of the book industry" ; Encoding/decoding: sort of ; A political economy of commodity codes ; The remarkable unremarkable -- Literature as life on Oprah's book club : O® ; "No dictionary required" ; "It's more about life" ; A million little corrections ; An intractable alchemy -- Harry Potter and the culture of the copy : Securing Harry Potter ; Pirating Potter ; He-who-must-be-named -- Conclusion : From consumerism to control : On the verge ; From heyday to history and beyond

Aquí, el autor evalúa nuestra cultura moderna del libro enfocándose en cinco elementos clave, incluida la explosión de librerías minoristas como Barnes & Noble and Borders, y la formación del Oprah Book Club

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